Wednesday, August 1, 2012
People with diabetes, start snoring Notice.
People with diabetes should begin to pay attention to sleep health. The lack of sleep is known to result directly on appetite. As a result, the desire to enjoy a variety of carbohydrate servings so unbearable.
Disturbances in the sleep process clearly affect blood sugar levels. One of the most important is sleep apnea. Condition marked by sleep apnea or snoring snoring sleep, already recognized an important role in the control of blood sugar levels. International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in June 2008 has called on health practitioners around the world that also examined the possibility of type 2 diabetics also suffer from sleep apnea. Because the treatment of sleep apnea, blood sugar control proved to be much easier.
Snoring does not affect health. But breathing in between snoring disorder was dangerous. Sleep apnea means stopping breathing during sleep, occurs as a result of the narrowing of the airway during sleep. Structure of the airways narrower so that it has been blocked due to the channel walls relax during sleep.
As a result, although breathing movements still exist, no air can enter or exit the lungs. Because of shortness, will awaken the body's defense reflexes of the brain to breathe again. Keep in mind, this event will be repeated throughout the night, sleep apnea sufferers unwittingly. He woke-up throughout the night without waking. In the morning he got up and kept fresh not sleepy during the day though had enough sleep. A condition called hypersomnia or excessive sleepiness.
Treatment of sleep apnea begins in the doctor's consultation. Complaints of snoring and excessive sleepiness is usually accompanied by complaints of decreased quality of life as constant fatigue, decreased memory, concentration decreases, emotionally unstable to the fading spirit of life.
But for the diagnosis of sleep apnea, sleep examinations are needed in a sleep laboratory. Recording equipment requires one night called polysomnography. Of the recording was a specialist will analyze the condition of the patient to sleep and get a proper diagnosis for treatment.
Gold standard treatment of sleep apnea is to use continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP. Mentioned in two different studies in 2004 and 2005, that the use of CPAP will improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control. However, the effect of CPAP therapy on various complications of diabetes still needs further research. Whether CPAP can prevent diabetic neuropathy and other diabetic complications? Is the use of CPAP may improve the severity of these complications? Or treatment of sleep apnea in patients with more advanced diabetes can reverse the condition as usual?
More questions arise, but hopes to improve health and quality of life clearly in sight. People with diabetes, watch your sleep health.
Tags: diabetes
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