Hormonal fluctuations that occur in the fertile period could affect the behavior of a woman. One of them is that they become more fond of shopping. It was triggered by a trend among other women to pay more attention to his appearance when the fertile period.
Fertile period is the time of ovulation or the release of eggs from the ovary into the fallopian tube and then fertilized by sperm cells. This is when the best time for sexual intercourse for those who are planning a pregnancy.
In a study conducted by Gad Saad, a professor of marketing in Canada, in the fertile women tend to focus on their appearance, so they love to buy clothes.
"The purpose of this study to see how the menstrual cycle influence on the level of consumption of the women, also the choice of products and they run out of money to spend on food and beauty business," said researcher Gad Saad, a professor of marketing at John Molson School of Business, in a press release from the University of Montreal.
In a research study published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, as many as 59 women to answer deeper questions about their routine activities, about the beauty, the choice of clothing, consumption of calories and all the things they buy for 35 days.
This study analyzed the answers of the respondents who related topics that affect them in the selection of clothes, and how long they spent the treatments. Respondents were also asked about their activities such as sunbathing and eating high-calorie foods. The results of this study showed different patterns in the behavior of women.
Like, during the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle that is approximately day 8-15 of a 28 day cycle, women will be more focused on appearance. This study proves, that's why when the fertile period, women like to buy clothes.
The researchers explained that the change patterns of behavior these women were not separated from the roots of its evolution.
"At the time of the ancestors to marry a woman should focus during the fertile period as this is the time of conception. Now, the psychological and physiological mechanisms to make women more comfortable consuming these products during their fertile period, "he added.
Nevertheless, during the fertile period of women food intake tends to fall and reached the peak at the luteal phase or infertility in their cycle, ie approximately day 16-28 of the menstrual cycle of 28 days. The researchers noted, as is the desire of women eating high-calorie foods jumped followed by consumption of food purchases.
"Women consume more calories during the luteal phase because of the psychological and physiological changes have not put the marriage but filled with activities for the duration of infertility eat in one cycle," said Saad. "In contrast to Darwin's theory, the mating or food, depending on the menstrual status of women," he added.
The researchers say their findings could explain the behavioral patterns of women and help them make more appropriate decisions in matters of major expenditure and calorie consumption.
"Consumer behavior is going unnoticed by the women, the rise and fall of hormones greatly influence their choices as consumers," he said.