Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Drink Healthy Natural Cancer Prevention
How to prevent cancer in healthy natural easy i.e. through drink. This type of healthy beverage containing many preventive cancer naturally vitamins and nutritious substances. Among them was tea, soy milk and an Ant's nest.
Cancer is a type of deadly diseases. Varied ways done for the sake of preventing the onset of cancer. Not enough with regular exercise, consuming food and beverages that have anti-cancer substances is also important.
Fibrous vegetables and fruits is very good as an anti cancer. You can find it on carrot spinach as well. However when in drink, anti-cancer substances belonging to some of the following drinks:
Drink this one indeed tasted delicious when drunk hot or cold. Not a few health benefits resulting from drinking tea. Content of polyphenol compounds, amino acids, caffeine and minerals on tea useful for the body.
As anti-cancer, good tea, green tea, red tea or black tea was cast against skin cancer, lung, colon and breast. A study mentioned that benefits due to the tea theafl avin can prevent oxidative stress in the cell.
Soy Milk
Pure soy milk is very good for health but the taste is distinctive. Anti-cancer benefits on soy milk can prevent various types of cancer.
Ant Nest
You can now easily get the Ant nest with herbal supplement products are sold. Ant nest useful cells prevents the onset of cancer and develop in the body.
Tags: Cancer
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