Sunday, August 12, 2012

HIV / AIDS can now be cured completely.

HIV / AIDS is now curable. This was revealed from the results of an international AIDS conference that was held last July in Washington DC, USA.

International AIDS Conference was held on 29th July 22 to 27 and followed by 195 countries by the number of participants more than 121 thousand people. Of the conference to date have revealed no evidence that HIV / AIDS can be cured completely.

There are three cases that occurred, one in a patient with acute leukemia and HIV. When leukemia treated with stem cell transplant cured the leukemia and HIV virus is gone completely. There are also two other cases where patients have cancer and are also infected with HIV virus. In both the bone marrow transplant was carried out and to date there are both healthy and without HIV virus again on Friday (3/8).

In addition, there are again 12 PLWHA (People Living with HIV AIDS who have been declared functionally cured. Detected 10 years ago when the HIV infection / AIDS, were treated with the drug directly antiretrovira (ART) for 3 years without waiting for immune down. After taking ART during 3 years and then stopped to this day that is 7 years later in perfect health condition.

This shows that more and more hope to stop the AIDS epidemic. Prof. dr Zubairi Djoerban, HIV Integrated Services Unit Manager RSCM, said, in RSCM itself every month there are approximately two thousand patient visits HIV / AIDS consists of adult men and women, infants and children too.

The problem that still remains is how to treat all patients who contracted HIV / AIDS in order to halt transmission of this virus. Because in many new countries a minority of cases treated and handled properly.