Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Delaying pregnancy cuts cancer risk

Some people looked at the ripe age of pregnancy is quite risky, but according to recent studies there are positive benefits of postponing pregnancy. The more mature age of a woman in childbirth, the lower the risk of cancer endometerial.

The conclusions resulting from large-scale study led by V.Wendy Setiawan, assistant professor of preventive medicine at the University of Southern California.

Setiawan collected data from 17 studies involving 8671 cases of endometrial cancer and 16 562 people in the control group. After considering the risk of common cancers, the researchers found that women who gave birth to her youngest child at the age of 40 years had a cancer risk 44 percent lower when compared with women who have babies before the age of 25 years.

Even women who gave birth at ages over 40 years the risk is lower. At the age of 70 years, these women are also at risk for endometrial cancer 33 percent lower.

The low risk is not known. But there are suggestions that women who give birth at a mature age that became pregnant with a healthy condition of the endometrium. Pregnancy or cause loss of precancerous cells that usually appear in middle age.

"There is a protective mechanism here, at least in certain types of cancer. If we can find out what the mechanism we will understand how this happened so that cancer can be prevented," said Dr.Setiawan.