Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle is a choice of someone who is very appropriate thing to do. Living with diet, thoughts, habits and a healthy environment means it is everything that we do provide a good and positive results.

Healthy lifestyle is the lifestyle of someone who is doing daily activities include physical, psychological, financial and overall environment that provides positive conditions for himself, those around him and the environment. So someone is always life-style support to personal health, people and environment around.

There are so many advantages that can be obtained from a healthy lifestyle, including:
A. Ketenteram feel, safety and comfort, peace. Having good self-esteem, life balance, sleep well
2. Look cleaner, more healthy and cheerful
3. Success in doing the job
4. Enjoy a good social life of the family environment, companion taulan and neighbors.

The characteristics of a healthy lifestyle are:
A. No Smoking.
2. Drinking beverages that contain no alcohol.
3. Not Taking Drugs.
4. Sleeping and eating regularly.

Doing, four healthy diet patterns five perfect. Eating healthy foods such as:
A. Fresh fruit and vegetables to comply with vitamins, fiber and mineral
2. Fish, cholesterol content and lower fat than beef
3. Eat less salt, to avoid the risk of suffering from hypertension and heart attack
4. Reduce sugar, honey, syrup and chocolate that causes obesity
5. Reduce the fat, to reduce the risk of heart disease
6. Doing regular physical activity

Healthy Lifestyle
In addition to the above is useful to try to arrange time off we are, by doing isttirahat enough, set hours of sleep and waking hours, when you wake up try doing light activities such as reading a book, move the body, clean-room. Never sleep again when it wakes up.

This will cause your body to be weak, limp and the head can be a headache, This is because the body actually has to do recovery to perform the activity again when forced to relax back to the body's reaction to become unstable, resulting in a few hours after waking akemudian body felt weak or sick accompanied by a feeling lazy.

For we are still studying or already working, studying or stress in the work is poor and not allowed to drag on, though at one point stress can increase the productivity of labor.

But if not properly managed stress can interfere with learning activities and tasks. To release the stress and fatigue in a study, try to join in youth activities or hobbies.

For example, if his hobby is music to join the community who love music, if his hobby is sports community join together like any sport, if his hobby photographs join a community of photography.

Within these communities there must be joking and laughter, joke and humor, this will help release the stress and makes our hearts always cheerful, with a joyous laugh was a strong soul and body be healthy.