Spicy food enthusiasts might be surprised to see the results of research that says concerning the content of the sauce, chili or red pepper turns out to have benefits as a weight loss option.
The researchers find the materials contained in the chili sauce is suppose to help the process of weight loss. However, this is certainly not that simple, and only had to eat chili or red pepper in large quantities and weight loss.
Is capsaicin, a substance in peppers that gives a sense of heat, current technology has been used in the slimming surgery.
Scientists at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston is currently undertaking a study whether capsaicin in red peppers can also be alternatively vagatomi, which is a surgical procedure that involves the vagus nerve.
Operation ever undertaken by using capsaicin to treat ulcers, believed to have benefits in reducing the risk of obesity. However, this technique did not yet been tested in the handling of cases of weight loss because there are still concerns about the adverse effects on the stomach.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Chili may make a slim
Tags: weight loss
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