Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Friendly With LDL Cholesterol

Friendly with Ldl cholesterol needs to be done considering the multitude of health risks should be borne by a person because it does not do it early on. Cholesterol is basically a fatty compound where the compound is complex. The majority of cholesterol compounds in the body of a person obtained from within his own body (in the liver), who account for about 80% of the overall amount of cholesterol. The remaining 20% is obtained from food. Although often thought of as the "evil" basically cholesterol have benefits that are very much for the body, forming the cell wall, producing sex hormones, and others. The following is a discussion of the types of cholesterol and what to do to limit the LDL cholesterol.

Get to know the types of Cholesterol

There are two main types of cholesterol that is important to know. The first is the LDL cholesterol (low density lipoprotein). LDL cholesterol is the cholesterol that carries the most numerous compounds other cholesterol in the blood. This is actually an LDL bad cholesterol, LDL levels due to high blood someone will cause mengendapnya a variety of cholesterol in the arteries. LDL cholesterol is a major risk factor for the occurrence of coronary heart disease so always be the main target in the treatment of.
The second is HDL cholesterol (high density lipoprotein). HDL cholesterol is in charge of transporting other less cholesterol. HDL is often called good cholesterol because cholesterol is able to dispose of excess bad cholesterol in the arteries to return to the heart which will then be processed and then disposed of. Thus HDL cholesterol can help prevent the crust from forming on the walls of the arteries or atherosclerosis occurrence which protects it from the formation of plaque in blood vessel walls.

To prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis surely we need to control the presence of LDL cholesterol in the blood. There are several ways to do that :

With cholesterol tests on a regular basis ideally every six months.
By having an active lifestyle. The following are some examples of an active lifestyle: Ran every morning for 20 minutes or take a swim every day for 25 minutes, or cycled each day for 20 minutes or physical health gymnastics every day with musical accompaniment.
Have a diet with balanced nutrition. We need to increase the levels of HDL CHOLESTEROL in the blood by way of consuming foods that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Friendly with Ldl cholesterol that is simply applied so by controlling the abnormal.