Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Beauty secrets of women.
Beauty secret is something that many women in the search, because it is very human, if a women around the world dream of having a beautiful face and flawless skin. It's just so much beauty secrets of women is often offered is not a way of natural beauty, but if you dig there's so much beauty secrets native women nationwide who use the basic ingredients of nature.
For those of you who are born with a charming face Canti is very easy to maintain, but for those of you who have problems in the skin, these tips can hopefully help you to overcome these problems. Appear naturally beautiful indeed not an easy thing, because if you use a facial beauty products or salons may require funds that are not cheap as well. For that, it would be nice beauty in a way that should be used as natural as possible
Here are some of her beauty secrets
Beauty secrets derived from honey has been passed down since time immemorial. Honey is very good for moisturizing the skin and reduce skin irritation. Put honey on the lips will also moisturize your lips, so avoid chapped lips.
Aloe vera or in Latin is called aloe vera to memperolehrambut lush and black. Mucus in the aloe vera can prevent rapid fluid out of the skin so skin moisture can be maintained. The resulting sense of cool aloe vera can also be used to treat burns.
Do you know if it's also ginger has long been the secret beauty of women over many centuries? Warmth of ginger can be obtained from the blood circulation and tightens skin so as to make the face more fresh and beautiful. If you wish to use ginger try to test it first, there are some people who are allergic to ginger
Another beauty secret that women are not less important is an antioxidant-rich foods such as blueberries, which contains the most antioxidants per serving than other common fruits and berries, significantly affects the skin. Because in many cases of DNA damage can be caused by free radicals from pollution and UV radiation that attack skin cells.
In addition to the above papaya also has long been one of the secret ingredient is the use of female beauty the way young papaya, add outmeal as a natural scrub. Then add the egg whites are also in the dough. You should use 2 times a week. After regular use skin will feel tighter, make use of the natural female beauty secrets tips for you as well
Tags: beauty
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