Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What Are Diabetes Diet?

What Are Diabetes Diet? - Diabetes diet is one of the important part which must be tempered by the sufferer in order to still be able to live a normal and healthy even though it is in need of sacrifice and his tremendous heart. In essence, this kind of enforced abstinence to diabetics blood sugar levels do not rise. Setting a pattern of eating and drinking the correct trusted can minimise the rise in blood sugar so the sugar levels in the body can continue to be controlled. Although it is difficult to do but when patients in avoiding foods that discipline be abstinence for diabetics, then bad things can be avoided and prevented. Thus, whatever food and drinks should be avoided by diabetics?

· Foods that have a High index of Glikemik
There are some foods that contain high glikemik index that should be avoided by a troubled with diabetes. This means that when a person consumes foods that diabetics contain index glikemik higher then in his blood sugar levels can rise dramatically. To avoid these symptoms then it is advisable to stop diabetes sufferers consume foods such as noodles, pasta, white rice, potatoes, and white bread. Noodles and pasta was indeed created and processed from simple carbohydrates such as rice and wheat flour.

In lieu of these foods, diabetics are advised to consume food substitutes such as rice from Brown rice or brown rice. In addition, some studies have also suggested that caffeine has a negative impact and be a diabetes diet. So, kurangilah consume drinks coffee and tea to keep blood sugar levels do not rise. To replace white bread, you can consume the bread made from wheat flour.

· Other Diet For Diabetics
In addition to food and beverage that has been mentioned previously, diabetics also advised to avoid foods that have a sweet taste. And instead, can consume the juice of vegetables such as broccoli, peppers, carrots, and string beans. Vegetable juice is good for diabetics because it consumed contain fiber and high in antioxidants. In addition to problems of food, there are other factors that also need to be avoided by diabetics, for example, is avoid stress and have the confidence to recover. And for waging a blood circulation, diabetics also advised to do mild exercise.

However, there are also foods that contain sugar are hidden and this also included food for diabetics. However, most of them do not realize when they also consume everyday meals of this type. There are a number of food products which contain hidden sugar, for example, is from a large pasta sauce, salad dressing, BBQ sauce, cereal and cracker multi grain, and fruit shakes. All of that being diabetic diet to keep blood sugar levels in the body do not get on.