Thursday, September 13, 2012

Based On The Blood Type Diet

Based On The Blood Type DietBased on the blood type Diet is one type of diet that enough work to improve your health. With this type of diet, your body will be able to return to the natural rhythm because based on blood type character that you are genetically inherited, any food will cause a chemical reaction in the blood vary. That's why it would be better if we could choose and consume foods that can cause a positive reaction in the blood so that it can improve health and maintain their ideal weight.

The Blood Type Diet
-Blood Type O

Someone who is an O blood typically already have stomach acid levels high so should avoid foods that are too acidic. However, this state of affairs is also quite beneficial as the acid substance makes the stomach can digest meat perfectly. To successfully lose weight, you must reduce the consumption of nuts – nuts, seeds – bjian, bread, gluten and cabbage and cauliflower as well. A Diet will work with the intake of nutrients from seafood, seaweed, and iodized. In addition, inappropriate food for blood type O is all dairy products because it could not be well received in the body.

-Blood Type A

Fresh and natural foods that should be consumed on a regular basis by your blood due to an A, you are prone to heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Vegetable protein consumption will be better than animal because you have low levels of gastric acid that is so hard to digest meat-dagingan. Good food to support based on your blood type Diet is vegetables and fruits which are alkali such as give and plum. While you should avoid dairy products, potatoes, cabbage, sweet potato, pepper, tomatoes, papaya, mango, and orange as unfriendly to the gastrointestinal tract.

-Blood Type B

In order to successfully get the ideal weight, you should avoid the consumption of corn, wheat, beans, and whole grains because it could interfere with the process of metabolism. Avoid consumption of chicken meat as it will make you potentially stroke and are not immune to the disease. You can consume all kinds of fruits and vegetables except tomatoes. All types of dairy products and seafood except shellfish too friendly with your body.

-Blood Type AB

Just like A blood type, blood type AB also had low levels of gastric acid so it can't digest meat well-dagingan. Meat consumption will lose morale due to the fact the body was too tired Digest. Your best source of protein is knows, acorns and nuts are also not to be in large portions. However, you can consume and Digest dairy products, wheat, and rice is better than people with other blood type.