Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Anti-cancer Diet

Anti-cancer Diet - An awful lot of anti-cancer diet model that exists in this moment. Simply put, you can search with "Google" and you'll find thousands of anti-cancer diet promoted from Herbalist to doctors, ranging from celebrities to the cancer sufferers were cured. For example, in November 2004, Time magazine teamed up with CNN published an article regarding anti-cancer diet. In that article they recommend a diet with fruits and vegetables that are high-fibrous can help to fight cancer it is reinforced by the results of research conducted by the Epidemiology and Biomarkers for cancer prevention programs. Such research is expanding and suggested that vegetables are also very useful for fighting cancer.

Anti-cancer Diet
It is highly recommended that you speak with Your oncologist before starting cancer treatment include anti-cancer diet, even for patients who are healthy yet still should consult with their doctors before starting the anti-cancer diet. Although doctors already recommend consumption of a variety of fruits and vegetables to your diet, but still needs to be consulted more in with your doctor to decide which anti-cancer diet best for Your living.

Smoking and diet are the two highest risk turned out to cause cancer, according to Harvard in his report on the prevention of cancer. Even in fact play an important role in the diet raises cancer compared with the issue of descent. Because it makes major changes in diet can decrease the risk of cancer.

Anti-cancer diet also requires fats, but the amount of good fat that needs to be consumed in this diet only 20% of the total consumption of food per day. Fat is needed on this diet is the lemat unsaturated, which can be found in plant foods such as nuts and vegetable oils. Another source is seafood such as salmon and tuna, because these kinds of foods containing omega 3 fatty acids are also high.

In addition to diet need to also do sports regularly. Sports, stress management and diet may very well make anti-cancer we spared from cancer.