are you the person who frequently smoke?It would be better if you don't smoke, because smoking has been proven to be not good for your health, and even many other losses relating to yourself, others and the environment. On this occasion, we will the information about some facts of smoking. More information, please just you refer to the following information :
The following are 7 facts of smoking
Smoking facts |
2. smoking Addiction usually occurs since becoming young smokers with a period of one year since the first times suck it. Age 12-13 years to become the youngest age usually become addicts. First they suck less than a pack of cigarettes.
3. Smoke cause permanent changes in the brain's receptors. That is why when people are addicted to smoking, it is very difficult to be yourself.
4. only by Sucking a cigarette, smokers were able to change the intent at first did not want to be a heavy smoker smokes. There are 80 percent of former smokers who smoke again because of nostalgia with a cigarette. In fact, they have left smoking for one month.
5. even though the smoking type of mild lower nicotine levels, a continue would force smokers to cover his body with cigarettes bernikotin higher. The effect is like a drug that the culprit would like to always add the doses are so addictive.
6. smoking can cause lung tumor development in the peripheral edges of the lungs and pursing a vertical line around the lips.
7. who are aware to stop and seek medical aid there are only five percent of smokers. It has actually managed to stop smoking in the long run about 30 percent with the continuous support of the Advisor and the wearing of Painkiller addiction to nicotine.
The Fact The Passive Smoker
1. you can become a passive smoker when you inhale air which has been polluted by smoke tobacco products wherever you are.
2. in adults, passive smoking can cause heart disease and serious respiratory, including coronary heart disease and lung cancer. Infants who become passive porokok can cause sudden death and in pregnant women may lead to low birth weight babies.
3. about 40 per cent of children who become passive smokers exposed to cigarette smoke, it is generally in the home environment. As many as 31 percent of deaths caused by passive smoking occurs in children.
4. teens who become passive smokers in his home environment, increasing the desire to start smoking for up to two times greater than other teens who don't become passive smokers.
5. passive smokers have the economic burden of up to 10 per cent for health costs related to exposure to cigarette smoke.
Smoking Facts (1) |
7. There is no safe level of exposure to cigarette smoke. The only way to protect yourself from harmful effects become passive smokers is to create an environment that is 100 percent non-smoking. This is regulated in article 8
8. There are over 4000 chemicals in tobacco smoke. About 250 chemicals known to be harmful to their health and more than 50 potentially cancer causing chemicals. The report shows that there are about 600,000 deaths experienced by passive smokers per year.
9. WHO has now started declaring provisions to control the use of tobacco in the world. It is useful to protect non-smokers into smokers by rampant passive smokers are not responsible.
The Fact of Smoking Before and After Pregnancy
If you are planning a pregnancy, it would be nice if your body is not contaminated smoke. Some research has found that smokers are parents (mother or father), at risk of having had children born with defects or loss of limbs by 25 percent.
Remember that smoking during pregnancy is not only affects your baby's health condition at present, but also influence the condition of the child when moving on up. There are 10 more scientific facts you need to know about the facts of smoking before and during pregnancy, as cited in the following geniuspregnancy:
1. Smoking reduces fertility in both men and women.
After smoking for 5 years, a woman's ability to conceive decreases by 14 percent, and on the male reduced by 11 percent.
2. male body usually can eliminate nicotine faster than women
i.e. in about 3 months. If you are planning to become pregnant, (both women and men) should stop smoking much earlier before the specified time (3 months).
3. Women who smoke tend to be more difficult than a pregnant those who never smoked.
Toksemia, preeclampsia, varicose veins, constipation and dizziness is a risk that you may experience if they have a habit of smoking before and during pregnancy.
4. Vitamin C generally tend to be more easily destroyed in the body of a woman who smoked.
thus causing the body lacks vitamin c. Consequently, you risk suffering from metabolic disease, decreased immunity, depression, and fatigue.
5. Women who smoke in the perikonseptional period, are at risk of experiencing a miscarriage 8-10 times higher.
6. in a family, in which one or both people smoke, their children are two times more likely to suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis and asthma, and 6 times more likely to have gastrointestinal disease.
7. Smoke narrowed its blood vessels and disrupt the process of oxygen saturation in the blood.
This condition is very dangerous during pregnancy, because there must be a sufficient amount of oxygen in the blood of the mother to fetal development.
8. girls, whose mothers smoked during pregnancy, more likely to suffer an suburan later in the day.
9. the children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy, would normally be born with low birth weight and lung condition debilitated.
10. the results of research scientists from the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden) that has lasted for 33 years, found that children, whose mothers smoked more than 10 rods per day before birth, his children have an increased risk of diabetes nearly 4.5 times. And the risk of obesity was 34-38 percent higher than the children, whose mothers did not smoke. Scientists say that smoking produces toxins in the fetus and cause fetal malnutrition. Therefore, the child has a tendency to accumulate fat.
Unique Facts Of Smoking
Did you know that the movie could affect the children to smoke? Strange indeed, but the official research already prove it.
It is difficult to stop smoking because there are many causes why someone decided to smoke. For example, stress, boredom, show themselves to make it look cool, and so on. But there is definitely a certain smokers want to stop bad habits. The best way to do this is to treat the cause by giving another solution. For example, if you can't stand smoke, immediately replace it with drinking tea with a powerful sense of the more salubrious.
Facts Of Smoking |
Asthma and smoking people who smoke are synonymous with asthma. Because airway irritation and swelled as a result of smoking. If a person is initially already have asthma and keep smoking, obviously his illness will grow worse.
Stress triggers the smoking habits of facts from recent studies had revealed the stress being able to trigger the habit of smoking. For example in the Office. An employee claiming to be taking smoke if there is a friend. Some of the others said they just want a break from the saturated flavor due to work.
The artist can help you quit smoking there is an idea about how to quit smoking. For example, the artist promotion that smoking is not good for your health. The influence of the artist in the community is deemed to take enough effective to stop the smoking habit.
The Film could affect A child's research in the United States attests, most children learn to smoke from the film. Because these children think smoking look cool. So they mimic the behaviour of it.
So many important facts about smoking. Hopefully, the above information is helpful to you.