Fatal Mistakes In Diet - Slim body becomes everyone especially the women. And it can be obtained by setting the proper diet also diet. But often the diet does fail, it is due to an error often unconscious in doing the diet.
Errors that often occur in the running diet are:
1. Hungry
The general assumption that eating a lot will say put on weight while eating less will reduce the weight, so most people will get hungry spring ideal weight. Real hungry will result in our metabolism decreases, causing rates of fat burning and energy we also decreased. As a result the body feel less fit, lackluster and not powerful. Hunger is a natural body that our bodies lack of blood sugar and an empty stomach.
2. no Breakfast
This is often done intentionally or not was done or not used to do and this is done as a general culture. Breakfast is an important nutrient intake for our bodies. After we slept for 8 hours without getting nutrients intake, our bodies are in dire need of nutrients through the breakfast as a source of energy to deal with throughout the day. Skipping breakfast will make our body taking energy from a catabolic state that our muscles (source: duniafitness.com)
3. no Dinner
While sleeping the body does not require a lot of calories but the body requires a lot of protein for growth hormone while sleeping will be out so the body gets damaged cells as memeperbaiki, and material improvement of protein. protein consumption we recommend 2-3 hours before going to bed. This Protein can be obtained from soy milk, milk, milk containing whey protein.
4. do not eat After a workout
Eating after exercise is often assumed that the sport is done be in vain. When eating after a workout is the most important meal for the body. It is strongly recommended to drink protein and carbohydrate 15 minutes after exercising and eating real food a maximum of 1 hour after exercising to improve our body cells are damaged when exercising.
5. Less Drinking Water
Less drinking water results in more body hold water causing the extra weight and metabolism of nutrients less running smoothly. Drink 2-3 liters of water/day
6. Remove One component of Nutrition
Eliminate fat, carbohydrates or or eliminating high protein consumption is very dangerous for the body of mine. Diet-diet is not balanced and would disrupt the function body and can menyebakan a more serious disease. Suggested Diet is a balanced rather than proscribe one type of nutrition that there are
By fixing the errors above, can improve the way the diet as long as it used to be more optimal results.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Fatal Mistakes In Diet
Tags: diet
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