Friday, September 7, 2012

Allergy On Dust

Allergy On Dust
Allergy On Dust
Allergy On Dust - Allergies are the most common allergies in the home is dust mites, dust allergies are caused by microscopic organisms that live in dust and can be found in almost every home and workplace.

Therefore as the occupant of the House, you can get rid of allergy on dust, resulting from dust in your home by following these simple steps:
-Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from the fully upholstered furniture, mattresses, curtains.
-Avoid carpet. many live in the carpet, replace filter AIR CONDITIONER regularly.

Dust mites are probably the most common cause of perennial allergic rhinitis. Allergy on dust mites usually produces symptoms similar to pollen allergies and also can produce asthma symptoms.

Common symptoms of the allergic dust mites are:

-Runny nose
Itching in the eyes, red eyes or watery eye
-Nasal congestion
Itching in the nose, the roof of the mouth or throat
Postnasal drip-
-Often waking up itching on the skin due to the feel
-Swollen and blue colored skin under your eyes
-On the child often rubs his nose to the top of the

Allergy on dust mites may contribute to asthma as well, if that happens, You may experience:

-Difficulty breathing
-Chest tightness or pain
-Sound whistling or wheezing when exhale
-Trouble sleeping due to shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing
Coughing or wheezing attacks which worsen by breathing like a cold virus or the flu

Dust mites home form eight-legged small beings that live in our homes, but they are rarely seen. Dust mites live Man for 2 to 3 weeks and its primary purpose is to mate with the female. Dust mites are sensitive to temperature, so Your bed linen drying in the dryer is a good idea, as this will kill the mites that live in the Gazette may just be You. If you have a dust mite allergy symptoms in, you should consult your doctor. Studies have shown that home AIR CONDITIONING (which take water from the air when they cool it) have much lower levels of dust mites.
Because dust is one of the main sources of food for mites, then to avoid mites, dust cleaning rutinlah in the House.

House dust mites (HDM) is a major source of allergens and are found in the temperate and humid. The properties of the house dust mites and recommendations to reduce the HDM at home.
House Dust Mites Dust Mites and insects homes related to ticks and spiders like Daddy long legs. Thirteen species of HDM has found in dust but are two of the most common and is the main source of Dermatophagoides farinae HDM is an allergen and Dermatophagoides
Pteronyssinus from Pyroglyphidae family.

The length of the cycle is usually a month and depending on the climate, ideally at 25 ° C and 75% RH. HDM survive and reproduce best in soft furnishings like carpets with a pile of old, expensive toys and blankets, which contains a large supply of their food source,
We recommend that you provide a clean environment at home. That make up the ecosystem in their environment. Allergic dust mites is a response from the human immune system to foreign substances (allergens) protein.
To avoid allergy on dust at home, then rutinlah membersihakan House mainly goods that keeps dust.