Wednesday, September 5, 2012

These signs of Dehydration you experience

signs of Dehydration you experience
These signs of Dehydration you experience
These signs of Dehydration you experience - When the body's natural fluid deficiency or dehydration, these conditions will have an impact on decreasing stamina and reduce the level of concentration. According to a research conducted experts hydration world Lawrence e. Armstrong and an expert neuro cognition Harris r. Lieberman, dehydration 1.5 percent in men causes a decline in memory, concentration, fatigue as well as ketengangan. In women, this effect was felt when dehydration occurs 1.3 percent.

Experts recommend to continue to consume enough fluids before thirst appear. This is actually thirst signals from the body. Burning sensation in throat mouth appears because the body less liquid. However, we often ignore these signals. In addition to thirst, there are several other symptoms of dehydration as a sign that your body needs fluids.

1. headaches
When the fluid in the body to thin out, someone could feel dizzy. Headache suddenly it makes you feel tired. In fact, sometimes makes you feel more sleepy. If it is so, immediately drink warm water white to help neutralize the body condition.

2. reduced urination
Due to lack of fluid in the body occurs, pengentalan blood plasma that will be issued to certain hormones that caused water use savings in the form of a little amount of urine. Often, people feel a strong urge to dehydration to pee but when issued amount is very little. If you remove the urine isn't much then this is a clear sign You're dehydrated.

3. Constipation
People who suffer from stomach problems mainly constipation and bowel movements always late are advised to drink lots of water. Water entering this will remove toxins from the body. Content of hard particles in food will be crushed and toward the intestines with the help of water. Many experts suggest, one glass of water upon waking in the morning will help remove toxins and cure constipation naturally.

4. no sweating
Sweat out from the body occurs when the body of excess salt and water. -Glands sweat glands are working around the clock to release water through the skin cells. When no water is being absorbed by the skin cells, it will be difficult it seemed to bekeringat. If you're an easy berkeringant but suddenly drastically reduced, then beware. This means that the liquid in the body is reduced a lot.

In addition to the above mentioned symptoms, signs of dehydration can you feel like dry skin, heart found thumping, want to eat that sweet or salty. If it happens, you should not mention Chief. If allowed to continue, it could be a serious illness such as kidney stones will you experience in the near future.