Thursday, September 6, 2012

Peanut Allergy causes and how to avoid it

Peanut Allergy causes
Peanut Allergy causes
Peanut Allergy causes and how to avoid it - The Cause Of Allergies
Did you know that peanuts and tree nuts are the main source of severe allergic reaction or anaphylaxis? This is because the consumption of too many peanuts cause people will be affected by Peanut Allergy. In 1999, the study of allergies allergy tree nuts as well as in the United States found that nearly 1.1% of the American population suffers from allergies peanuts. It's quite interesting that most affected by "positive for allergies" are adults compared to children. So far the cause of food allergies especially allergic to nuts and is still not known with certainty. an awful lot of peanut-based products like: peanut butter & flour, ground peanuts or nuts, cereal, granola, sunflower seeds, whole wheat bread, energy bars, and salad dressing that is circulating in the market. This is why those who suffer allergies should always be alert.

Any reason to develop research on allergic to peanuts, a reality show that allergies are clearly harmful, but can be prevented. More people in America suffer from peanut allergies than other food allergies and some of them, the consumption of peanuts in a very small amount can be fatal. Of the many number of cases due to anaphylactic shock or a life-threatening allergic reactions each year, 80% are caused by peanut allergies. Even the slightest contact with any nut or peanut products could cause big problems for many sufferers.

How To Avoid Allergies

A strange thing about allergies is that the first time someone exposed to peanuts they have no problems, but the second time, they could have a reaction. The United States Board of beans is no cure for Peanut Allergy and no treatment to eliminate or reduce allergies attack. The National Institute of Allergy and infectious diseases and the Council agreed the only way American Nut to prevent an allergic reaction is to strictly avoid peanuts or peanut products.

Tips to help you and your loved ones avoid the problem of allergies:

1. read all the labels on the foods you buy. If you have any doubts, you can record information factory and contact them. Check with Allergies or a Website similar to see if they have additional information.
2. learn all different names for peanuts and peanut products, since this varies around the world. This is done to avoid foods containing nuts that come from abroad.
3. contact the person in charge of the food at your child's school and ask them not to serve food with peanuts in it. You might be able to get a list of what they buy and check it out for yourself.
4. make sure that you visit the restaurant often has a policy to provide info any foods containing peanuts. Please check with the Manager or chef if you are not sure of the food you are eating.
5. avoid all kinds of nuts, both kacangnya and food containing peanuts.
6. carefully sharing food or equipment which allows the occurrence of cross-contamination if there was peanut butter in your home or where you visit.
7. be careful if kissing someone who may have consumed peanut products especially for children. Provide understanding to everyone in order to be aware of your problem so they don't feel slighted if you don't Kiss them.
8. always be aware that even the peanuts in a very small number have the potential to kill You or your loved ones.
9. don't deny it and immediately check to see a doctor if you suspect that you or someone you know has a nut allergy
10. wear a medical identification bracelet allergies can save your life.