steps to stay healthy |
1. wash your hands after doing your daily activities. You can count the number of objects that you touch during the day? Yes, so many objects that surround You during berkegiatan. Well, it is not impossible for these objects is a means to move bacteria. Make sure you always wash your hands with SOAP after you do the activity, especially as it relates to the disposal of stuff and shit.
2. do not consume fruit in an arbitrary place. Often you taste the fruit pieces in a supermarket promotion. Even though it looks clean, did you know that fruit contains a lot of bacteria during the delivery process. Not to mention if the fruit is already changed hands several times from the hands of the other prospective buyers.
3. once sneeze, do not close the hand! When sneezing, especially in public space, often Your quick reflexes to close the mouth by hand. However, did you know that it is wrong? when sneezing, germ-germ will come out through the saliva that then stick in your hand. For tips on his senses, make it a habit to close your mouth when you sneeze. Immediately dispose of the tissue and waste to wash your hands with SOAP for health.
4. Mengucek's eyes: while you're in a place full of dust, it is not impossible if your eyes feel itchy. However, never menguceknya. The reason, besides can lead to irritation, there will be a lot of germs that move from hand to your eyes.
5. too close to pets. Keep the animal is indeed legitimate. Many germs can be transmitted from animals even though you are only limited to holding and stroking its fur. For that, make sure you wash your hands after playing with a pet animals satisfied.