Symptoms Of Dysentery Diseases - Dysentery disease: the cause of Dysentery, dysentery types and symptoms of dysentery
Said Dysentery is derived from Greece, namely dys (= interruption) and enteron (intestine =). So the notion of dysentery disease is a disease of the digestive form of intestinal infection or inflammation of the intestines caused by the bacteria, which cause diarrhea severe enough. Travel sickness sufferers any more varied between individuals, where some people suffering from dysentery have mild symptoms, while others may experience severe diarrhea with or without vomiting, which may give rise to the risk of dehydration. Fortunately dysentery can be easily treated with antibiotics and drugs antiparasit. disease dysentery if left untreated can lead to severe dehydration.
Cause Dysentery
The most common cause of dysentery and often encountered in the community is to not wash your hands after using public restrooms, or do not wash your hands before eating. Quite simple indeed for cause dysentery as a classic case of, but that's the reality that often occur. Outline the cause of dysentery disease is closely associated with the cleanliness of the environment around us and clean living habits.
Types of Dysentery
This type of disease dysentery, seen from bacteria that invade the human body include:
-amoeba dysentery (amoebiasis), the cause is bacteria caused diarrhea entamoeba histolytica, a fairly severe.
Due to the destruction of the walls of the large intestine, resulting in ulceration (wound in layers mucous that forms the hole).
Amoeba can exist for long periods of time in the large intestine (colon). Usually strikes children under 5 years of age or a toddler.
-dysentery the cause is bacterial basiler, shigella, escherichia coli (EIEC), enteroinvasif
Salmonella, campylobacter jejuni (especially in infants). Shigella bacteria need to look out for
because 60% of the case including CA. weight and may be referred to the hospital as well as life-threatening.
Symptoms Of Dysentery
Symptoms that arise in malady dysentery, among others:
-prone time symptoms of dysentery can last between 5-7 days or even longer
sufferers experience cramps in the stomach (colic)
-pain at the time of sufferers experienced CHAPTER/defecation (tenesmus)
Chapters are accompanied by mucus (mucus houses)
-CHAPTER with a bloody feces
-high heat (39,5-40 degrees Celsius)
-sometimes accompanied by symptoms like encephalitis and sepsis
(seizures, headaches, lethargy, rigid kuduk, hallucinations).
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Symptoms Of Dysentery Diseases
Tags: Dysentery
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