causes coronary heart disease |
* Coronary heart disease: Understanding
Coronary heart disease is a manifestation of a special and arterosclerosis happens to coronary artery disease. A plaque is formed in the arteries leading to the junction of arterion left, koronaria right and despite the artery may yet rare in arteries sirkomflex. Askep coronary heart disease published experts, the blood that leads to the distal obstruction may experience, be it permanently or temporarily, no other terakumulasinya caused by plaque. Narrowing or blockages that occur, it is often accompanied by pain.
Askep coronary heart disease found that there are several causes for the occurrence of coronary heart disease, one of them is the habit of consuming high saturated fatty foods. So fat that goes into the body easily absorbed or went into circulation and absorbed, then the form should be converted to glycerol by the enzyme lipase. The rest of the fat then kept in metabolism and liver bile acids to Shaper digesting fat, which means it will be increasing the amount of cholesterol in the blood as well. Askep indicated that the occurrence of coronary heart disease causes a buildup of coronary artery thickening.
* Coronary heart disease: causes
Askep coronary heart disease indicated that some factor in the risks associated with coronary heart disease can be classified as follows:
1. the nature of personal arterogenik
Askep coronary heart disease explained that these properties include blood pressure, blood lipids fiber diabetes mellitus. These factors – instrumental factor in determining speed artero-genensis.
2. life Habits
Askep coronary heart disease refers to a lifestyle that mempredisposisi someone to the disease this is a diet that is too rich in saturated fat, cholesterol, calories, salt as well as associated with indolence and the addition of heavy physical body that is not under control. Cigarettes and consuming alcohol can also directly trigger someone into contraction and coronary heart disease.
3. Some minor risks
askep coronary heart disease there are suspicions some recalled that the factor be the cause of coronary heart disease, but has yet to be proven scientifically or factor connecting the Gray Ash still – such as oral contraceptives, age, gender as well as the vulnerability of hospes.
Sufferers of coronary heart disease may be the one who has to do a lot of sufferers of certain things and keeping them in a strict diet so that they suffer no disease recurrence and result in things that are not desirable. The sufferer of this disease generally is always advised to keep the blood vessels in the heart organ not closed completely. This is intended to prevent tersumbatnya blood vessels. In addition, they are also advised to follow a healthy lifestyle to control cholesterol levels, triglycerides, uric acid, blood pressure, avoid obesity, and control blood sugar levels. So, what are the things to note for those who suffer from coronary heart disease?
Knowing The Risk Factors For Coronary Heart Disease
There are several risk factors that need to be known by those who are troubled with coronary heart disease, namely:
* The first is high cholesterol levels. The presence of fat deposits on the walls of the coronary arteries can be the cause of this disease. So, in order to reduce this risk, you are advised to consume foods low in cholesterol.
* The second Factor is high blood pressure. High blood pressure can increase the work the heart and this can lead to thickening and the heart becomes stiff.
* The third Factor is the platelets. Actually, the platelets are blood clots in the vessels are veins and arteries. So, when the platelets occurs in vessels of coronary artery disease, can cause coronary heart disease because the walls of the blood vessels become thick. So, avoid the habit of smoking to reduce the risk of platelets.
* The fourth Factor is obesity. Overweight or obesity can be a trigger for high blood pressure and diabetes. In addition, obesity can also trigger a rise in levels of LDL and lower your HDL levels.
* The fifth Factor is diabetes, aging, and heredity. All these factors can trigger coronary heart disease sufferers are getting worse. Therefore, patients should control blood sugar levels on a regular basis in order to avoid the risk of coronary heart disease.
Reduce The Risk Of Coronary Heart Disease
In fact, there is no absolute abstinence practiced by those affected by CHD. It's just that, they need to take control of a healthy diet in order to obtain essential nutrients that are beneficial to support the work the heart of seta reduces the risk of onset of complaints that may arise as a result of living patterns and unhealthy diet.
However, the restrictions were necessary to consume a certain type of food, such as consuming foods low in fat, as well as avoiding foods that can cause cholesterol levels, triglycerides and sugar levels to rise. Moreover, the briny kurangilah consume foods, don't smoke, avoid prolonged stress, and doing sports on a regular basis so that blood circulation becomes smooth. With lancarnya blood circulation, then work the heart has to be increasingly lighter and is excellent for people with coronary heart disease.