Thursday, September 27, 2012

Know the difference in type 2 Diabetes, with type 1, and Symptoms - Know the type 2 Diabetes is one of the important things that should be done by any person who has a history of diabetes in his family. Type 2 Diabetes is one of the common types of diabetes, a disease or health condition in which the sufferer's body is unable to digest and process sugar properly. As a result, the balance of the hormone in the body, and especially the health experience disorder.

In the early stages, diabetes may not cause serious health impact – unless easily tired and decreased appetite.But at the end, and even health problems this can cause serious effects, associated or involved in organs such as the kidneys. Even in some cases, this disease (whether type 1 diabetes or type 2) can cause death for its victims.

Therefore, it's good you learn all kinds of things about diabetes-like symptoms before it is too late. By knowing the symptoms of diabetes, you will be able to take early action, such as changing the right lifestyle.

Type 2 Diabetes: know the difference with type 1

There are some things you should learn in knowing the type 2 Diabetes, and the first is the distinction with type 1 diabetes. Although not much help you in deciding which drugs should you consume, knowing the type of diabetes you early on will help your physician in determining the medical act is to be done – and possibly even drugs that should be consumed.

One fundamental difference from diabetes type 1 and 2 is on insulin: at type 1, the disease is defined by insulin, while type 2, a disease not dependent on insulin. Generally, type 1 diabetes attack and can be detected at the age under 30 years of age, including children and adolescents. This is the berbahanya type 1 diabetes: he can strike young adults and children.

In contrast, type 2 diabetes generally occurs for those who are above 30 years of age – in some cases, teens and kids can be stricken also. Type 1 Diabetes onset sudden, while type 2 diabetes is likely to have been there for several years. And before you know it, this could be a diabetic is already spreading.

Get to know the next type 2 Diabetes: some of the symptoms you can Recognize

There are several ways that you can do to prevent the spread of type 2 diabetes, and one of them is to recognize the symptoms. Basically, this type of diabetes is causing the same symptoms with type 1 diabetes, such as frequent urination at night. According to some sources, this is mainly related to high blood sugar levels.

As has been mentioned above, the diabetes generally causes its victims often feel thirsty, this is mainly due to the frequent urination. As has been mentioned, too, likely diabetics experience decreased appetite, which then impact on weight loss.

For those who often exercise, the disease would likely make them quickly down stamin during exercise. Always felt hungry, disturbed vision, quickly tired and sleepy, frequent tingling is some other symptoms that could be getting to know the identification of type 2 Diabetes.

Know the difference in type 2 Diabetes

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Identify type 1 Diabetes from the characters and their symptoms - Identify type 1 Diabetes is one of the important things when in circumstances like this: have a family history of suffering from diabetes, experience some of the symptoms of diabetes, and if it is very concerned at the health and family.

Type 1 Diabetes is one type of diabetes, which is a medical condition in which a person's body is unable to digest and process sugar properly. Another type of diabetes is type 2 diabetes.

Although it does not have such extreme effects of heart disease, the disease can cause serious health effects associated with organs in patients. Therefore, especially when it could potentially have diabetes should do some things to prevent these diseases; and the first way is to learn various things about diabetes.

Currently there are many sources that can be visited to obtain information about diabetes, but for clarity, this article will discuss some of the fundamental and important things, one of which is the symptom.

Identify type 1 Diabetes: know the Closer

This article will be helpful to identify type 1 Diabetes, from common characteristics to the special discussion as a symptom caused. According to some medical sources (both print and online), type 1 diabetes is a type of diabetes that is categorized as an autoimmune disease.

In normal conditions (where we are not stricken with type 1 diabetes), our body will automatically destroy the beta cells of the pancreas, and having it be generated liquid called insulin. This fluid serves to neutralize and process some of certain substances in the body.

People with type 1 diabetes, the body is unable to produce insulin, so the balance hormone and health will be compromised. This is one of the things that makes the sufferer should feel misgivings when diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

Another thing that causes this disease is dangerous is that the sufferer may be too late to realize that they do indeed suffer from type 1 diabetes. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to checked the health of at least once a month to ensure it was not stricken with diabetes types.

Other things to know About type 1 Diabetes

Other medical sources saying that people with type 1 diabetes is most likely to suffer from this disease before they entered the age of 40. In addition, the same source also mentions that more than 10% of all diabetics suffer from type 1 diabetes.

Basically this type of diabetes is also equal to the other kind of diabetes, in which one of the symptoms is easy to feel thirsty, easily tired, and appetite tends to decrease, because not all sufferers experience it.

When experiencing symptoms such as these, it's good to see a doctor and checked myself. When did have type 1 diabetes, there are several ways that can be done; one of them is by changing the lifestyle element of a healthy lifestyle.

Identify type 1 Diabetes from the characters and their symptoms

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Overcoming Diarrhea While Pregnant - Diarrhea while pregnant is very annoying, uncomfortable, and potentially puts you at risk of dehydration. Unfortunately, the very public diarrhea occurs during pregnancy, especially with all the changes in your body. Diarrhea, unlike constipation caused by things outside of your body. Cause of diarrhea is a stomach flu, food poisoning, and so on.

The first step to curing diarrhea while pregnant is stop consuming all foods that may cause diarrhea. Including dry food, spicy food, as well as daily food products. Diarrhea during pregnancy usually lasts only a few days. If the diarrhea persists, contact a physician or medical professional immediately.

You should be aware that pregnancy is a big change, and many of the systems of your body needs time to adjust. One area that seems to be most noticeably affected by pregnancy is your digestive system.

Although constipation may occur more frequently on most of the pregnancy, but the diarrhea when pregnant were also common. Diarrhea while pregnant may also be influenced by other factors, such as stress, so it's not always the cause is the food you eat. If the constipation and diarrhea becomes a problem, it might be very useful food storing daily to be consumed within a few weeks it is useful to see if you can detect patterns of his relationship with diarrhea and the food you eat.

A few things to keep in mind when dealing with diarrhea during pregnancy is to avoid foods that are typical of the causes of diarrhea. If you find yourself constipated, add fresh fruits and vegetables and fibrous to food consumption. As already written above, indeed the diarrhea that occur when a pregnancy is very uncomfortable, but makes it very easy to be healed. Many women said they were affected by diarrhea just before they give birth.

Overcoming Diarrhea While Pregnant

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How To Prevent High Uric Acid - To learn more about how to prevent uric acid, it's good we know whether uric acid. Uric acid in production within the body when "purin" break in the process of metabolism of the body. Purin is a chemical found in the body's cells helped change the genes for proteins, energize the cells ' needs, get rid of excess nitrogen, and is an antioxidant.

Prevent High Uric Acid
Prevent High Uric Acid
Basically the uric acid itself is beneficial for the body. One of the benefits help protect the blood vessels we when acid levels are normal, if it has the acidity levels or above normal this is what then led to gout or rheumatism.

Gout or arthritis is caused by a microscopic needle-like crystals of uric nesting on the joints and connective tissue. Symptoms of gout or arthritis in the joints is from redness, swelling, heat, stiffness, inflammation and pain that hurts. Uric acid crystals are only formed when the acid levels of uric acid in the bloodstream are above normal levels commonly called Hyperuricemia: ' '

Unfortunately, there are certain conditions that can cause hiperurisemia. Two examples of the cause is renal function is not efficient and over-production of acid. In certain cases both can happen at the same time. When one or both of the acid excess occurs is retained in the blood stream then provides the ideal conditions for the uric crystals to form and cause gout.

Of course there is a drug that is able to inhibit the production of uric acid. Many sufferers to be taking medication for the rest of their lives to maintain their level of uric acid in the ' normal ' range. There is also a doctor who recommended a diet low purin will avoid foods that are high in it. Examples include meat, shellfish, certain kinds of fish, yeast and yeast extract, dried beans, spinach, mushrooms, cauliflower and asparagus.

And there are herbal remedies, certain fruits and vegetables, and food supplements, etc., that can also help prevent gout. One alternative to reduce symptoms such as uric acid are consuming fruit every day, like, for example, consume cherries. Cherries contain anthocyanins which have a natural anti-inflammatory. And studies have shown that they can also lower the levels of uric acid.

So it's not very good for reducing inflammation and reduce the pain of an attack of gout or rheumatism, cherry can also be greatly in reducing Your uric acid levels and help prevent recurrent attacks is dangerous. Some research suggests up to 20 fruit per day have the same effect as taking an NSAID. In terms of lowering the levels of uric acid, gout prevention advice to ' correct ' the daily dose varies between 6 and 40 fruit per day.

In 1950 Dr. Blau noted that he had cure by consuming 6 cherries per day. But more recent studies seem to suggest you to consume more of it. Of course everyone's metabolism is different, so you need to use trial and error to find what works for you.

One report showed 30 to 40 cherries every 4 hours to help ease the symptoms of gout during the attack of gout or rheumatism. For prevention of gout or rheumatism with how to prevent uric acid exceeds normal levels you might want to consider to consume 30 to 40 Cherry fruit per day.

Research results also showed the effectiveness of cherry juice. So, where you can't get fresh cherries, you can use cherry juice as an alternative. But don't use the juice from canned cherry fruit you get in the supermarket. You need to get this juice from a health food store or pharmacy.

How To Prevent High Uric Acid

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Mangosteen Drug Diabetes - Diabetes drug mangosteen which is now believed to be the best solution for people with diabetes is presented in packaging which is more practical. If earlier the diabetics should find mangosteen and then offer it with a wide variety of ways before consumption, now they can directly consume it. There are several diabetes drugs mangosteen products that can be obtained on the market. Can get it directly or through online booking. Even so, before finding out more, let's talk in advance about diabetes itself.
Mangosteen Drug Diabetes
Mangosteen Drug Diabetes

As we know, diabetes is a disease that is caused due to the high content of sugar that is present in a person's body. This can be triggered by several factors such as unhealthy life, patterns, eating patterns that are carelessly as fast food, sugary foods, and others, in addition to the appearance of disease of diabetes is also caused by smoking, stress, and lack of exercise.

Today's modern life makes people more likely to consume fast food also the foods that appear to be delicious and tempting. Unfortunately, it is often forgotten ingredient in it. In essence, the sugar is indeed very important for the formation of energy in the body, but in large quantities it will become a big problem. Then, how to prevent the occurrence of this disease?

Diabetes Drug prevention with Mangosteen

Before knowing how to cure diabetes, use of Mangosteen in advance know how diabetes mellitus prevention based on that stuff.

There are three types of prevention of diabetes, namely primary and secondary diabetes. Diabetes primary prevention of disease is usually done on healthy people who have most likely affected by this disease. things that need to be done in the primary prevention of diabetes are:

First, consumption of a balanced meal. This means that food eaten contains energy equal to the energy that will be issued. Moreover, in this phase, it is advisable to consume foods that contain carbohydrates high in fiber; instead of fatty foods.

Second, the prevention of the primer, also need to do sports regularly which will greatly effect on insulin sensitivity and balance to keep the ideal body weight. Meanwhile, the second is prevention of diabetes prevention diabetes secondary. Secondary diabetes prevention is aimed at early detection of diabetes sufferers after stated positively the secondary have diabetes. Secondary diabetes prevention is done to prevent the occurrence of elevated blood sugar in the body of the patient that may occur when the sufferer is not treated to the maximum.

The last one is a tertiary prevention of diabetes. Stage of prevention is done to prevent the occurrence of complications, progression of complications so that does not happen, organ failure and disability due to complications on the organ. And the best way to do this is with the mengkonsultasikannya first at the doctor.

Mangosteen Benefits Diabetes and Medication

However, if you want to support the process of healing or treatment of diabetes, can also do or traditional herbal medicine from the body. The advantages to be gained from traditional or herbal treatment is, in addition to less expensive, no need to mess around with a wide variety of possible side effects in impact by the traditional medicine or herbs. Then there's no harm in trying, mangosteens diabetes drugs could be found easily in the market.

Mangosteen Drug Diabetes

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Fruit benefits for health
Fruit benefits for health
Fruit benefits for health - We realize and believe that the fruit is very beneficial to health, but many also don't really know what the actual benefits for health. This article will inform you more about the benefits of fruit for health and its role in preventing disease. Generally, people who consume a lot of fruit, fewer risks exposed to diseases such as diabetes, heart failure, Alzheimer's and cancer. The fruit meet all the necessary nutrients the body to repair cells and fight many infections. Most of us surely want longevity, energetic and spared from the disease. And it is important for us to be as healthy as possible. By consuming the fruit regularly every day as part of a balanced diet menu can also safeguard our health to parents later. Fruit and its benefits is very important, our body needs vitamins and minerals increases to compensate for the effects of our work hours, non-toxic smoke from pollution and increasing stress levels. Consume fruit is a simple, natural and relatively cheap in giving our body the nutrients to prevent disease in later life. Consume the fruit on a regular basis will also meet the needs of our body will be a valuable antioxidants that can help stop the radicals. Free radicals are molecules that are created as a result of our body reacts with oxygen. The damage caused when they react with other molecules in the cells of the body can lead to diseases like Alzheimer 's, heart problems and cancer as well as contributes to premature aging. In addition, pollution, sunlight, smoking and alcohol are the external factors that can trigger the body to produce free radicals. Antioxidant produced naturally by the body we can neutralize free radicals that can attack healthy cells, slows down premature aging and reduce the likelihood of onset of the disease. However, the risks we are exposed to more and more free radicals because our environment, therefore we need more antioxidants for neutralises individual mines. And it could be in a can of fruit. The fruit is a fantastic source of antioxidant and eating 5 servings a day will satisfy all the nutrients and vitamins that are necessary to help stop the radicals. In addition, the fruit is also rich in dietary fiber, which aids digestion, helps to prevent the occurrence of colon cancer. Eat fruit as part of a balanced diet every day will help to make us look better, feel better and more energetic. No matter what the fruit that we eat, like fresh fruit, canned fruit, frozen fruit or dried fruit. The benefits of the fruit will still be there even if we lose some of the nutrients that no such as a cold glass of our favorite fruit juice.

Fruit benefits for health

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The Benefits Of Acupuncture - Legs of acupuncture is very well known in the world of acupuncture therapy. On the feet, there are hundreds of nervous which points directly connected with the vital organs of a human. Each acupuncture points on the foot has its part each, for example, colon, heart, lungs, throat, stomach, joints, kidneys, brain, head, pancreas, thyroid, lymph glands, urethra and others. Therefore, nowadays we can find on the market a lot of special tools designed to provide therapy on those points. However, before we decide to buy an acupuncture therapy or a foot massage, it's good we might examine the nerve points and ascertain whether existing tools on the market are truly capable of delivering the benefits we want.

One of the most sought-after benefits from acupuncture or massage at the foot of the nerve points of titi is improving sexual function. It doesn't matter whether woman or man, decreased sexual desire will be experienced over time. A study conducted by experts found the interesting fact that the acupuncture therapy with use of Indonesia-style kind of radioactive is able to effectively resolve the issue.

As we knew together that sexuality is a very complex issue, involving not just the human nature but is also directly related to the nerve, endocrine system, blood vessels as well as psychogenic Along with the increasing age of a person, making the possibility of sexual dysfunction is getting bigger. With acupuncture therapy right Away, then the problem can be addressed.
Health problems that are often cured with acupuncture therapy on the feet is a common health disorders, for example, migraine, insomnia, heart disease, lever, digestive disorders, kidneys and so on.

The effectiveness of a foot massage with Acupuncture technique

Once again that effectiveness can be enhanced with a variety of efforts. Instead of just choosing a trusted physician or acupuncturist but also by knowing the type of disturbance experienced. Doctor of acupuncture will usually ask a few things to the patient before taking action. It is intended to find out exactly the problem being experienced as well as therapeutic method that should be used along with the point – titiknya.

If the chosen is a tool designed specifically for modern acupuncture therapy on the foot, then I need to know the quality and accuracy. This is important, because the tools do not massage the part that actually are not problematic. Picture of detail of the point – Acupuncture point Distance can be searched in books or the internet.

The Benefits Of Acupuncture

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Smoking Facts
are you the person who frequently smoke?It would be better if you don't smoke, because smoking has been proven to be not good for your health, and even many other losses relating to yourself, others and the environment. On this occasion, we will the information about some facts of smoking. More information, please just you refer to the following information :

The following are 7 facts of smoking
Smoking facts
Smoking facts
1. nicotine, one of the toxins, have an adverse effect for some part of the physical. However, nicotine is not too influential on increased blood pressure or heart problems and arteries. It's just that, hundreds of other cigarette toxins combined with nicotine cause a lot of damage in the body. Then there was born a lot of health issues as a result of smoking.

2. smoking Addiction usually occurs since becoming young smokers with a period of one year since the first times suck it. Age 12-13 years to become the youngest age usually become addicts. First they suck less than a pack of cigarettes.

3. Smoke cause permanent changes in the brain's receptors. That is why when people are addicted to smoking, it is very difficult to be yourself.

4. only by Sucking a cigarette, smokers were able to change the intent at first did not want to be a heavy smoker smokes. There are 80 percent of former smokers who smoke again because of nostalgia with a cigarette. In fact, they have left smoking for one month.

5. even though the smoking type of mild lower nicotine levels, a continue would force smokers to cover his body with cigarettes bernikotin higher. The effect is like a drug that the culprit would like to always add the doses are so addictive.

6. smoking can cause lung tumor development in the peripheral edges of the lungs and pursing a vertical line around the lips.

7. who are aware to stop and seek medical aid there are only five percent of smokers. It has actually managed to stop smoking in the long run about 30 percent with the continuous support of the Advisor and the wearing of Painkiller addiction to nicotine.

The Fact The Passive Smoker

1. you can become a passive smoker when you inhale air which has been polluted by smoke tobacco products wherever you are.

2. in adults, passive smoking can cause heart disease and serious respiratory, including coronary heart disease and lung cancer. Infants who become passive porokok can cause sudden death and in pregnant women may lead to low birth weight babies.

3. about 40 per cent of children who become passive smokers exposed to cigarette smoke, it is generally in the home environment. As many as 31 percent of deaths caused by passive smoking occurs in children.

4. teens who become passive smokers in his home environment, increasing the desire to start smoking for up to two times greater than other teens who don't become passive smokers.

5. passive smokers have the economic burden of up to 10 per cent for health costs related to exposure to cigarette smoke.

Smoking Facts
Smoking Facts (1)
6. a separate smoking Areas or ventilation does not protect non smokers from cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke can still spread from the smoking area towards a non-smoking area, even if doors between the duadaerah closed.

7. There is no safe level of exposure to cigarette smoke. The only way to protect yourself from harmful effects become passive smokers is to create an environment that is 100 percent non-smoking. This is regulated in article 8

8. There are over 4000 chemicals in tobacco smoke. About 250 chemicals known to be harmful to their health and more than 50 potentially cancer causing chemicals. The report shows that there are about 600,000 deaths experienced by passive smokers per year.

9. WHO has now started declaring provisions to control the use of tobacco in the world. It is useful to protect non-smokers into smokers by rampant passive smokers are not responsible.

The Fact of Smoking Before and After Pregnancy

If you are planning a pregnancy, it would be nice if your body is not contaminated smoke. Some research has found that smokers are parents (mother or father), at risk of having had children born with defects or loss of limbs by 25 percent.

Remember that smoking during pregnancy is not only affects your baby's health condition at present, but also influence the condition of the child when moving on up. There are 10 more scientific facts you need to know about the facts of smoking before and during pregnancy, as cited in the following geniuspregnancy:

1. Smoking reduces fertility in both men and women.
After smoking for 5 years, a woman's ability to conceive decreases by 14 percent, and on the male reduced by 11 percent.

2. male body usually can eliminate nicotine faster than women
i.e. in about 3 months. If you are planning to become pregnant, (both women and men) should stop smoking much earlier before the specified time (3 months).

3. Women who smoke tend to be more difficult than a pregnant those who never smoked.
Toksemia, preeclampsia, varicose veins, constipation and dizziness is a risk that you may experience if they have a habit of smoking before and during pregnancy.

4. Vitamin C generally tend to be more easily destroyed in the body of a woman who smoked.
thus causing the body lacks vitamin c. Consequently, you risk suffering from metabolic disease, decreased immunity, depression, and fatigue.

5. Women who smoke in the perikonseptional period, are at risk of experiencing a miscarriage 8-10 times higher.

6. in a family, in which one or both people smoke, their children are two times more likely to suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis and asthma, and 6 times more likely to have gastrointestinal disease.

7. Smoke narrowed its blood vessels and disrupt the process of oxygen saturation in the blood.
This condition is very dangerous during pregnancy, because there must be a sufficient amount of oxygen in the blood of the mother to fetal development.

8. girls, whose mothers smoked during pregnancy, more likely to suffer an suburan later in the day.

9. the children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy, would normally be born with low birth weight and lung condition debilitated.

10. the results of research scientists from the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden) that has lasted for 33 years, found that children, whose mothers smoked more than 10 rods per day before birth, his children have an increased risk of diabetes nearly 4.5 times. And the risk of obesity was 34-38 percent higher than the children, whose mothers did not smoke. Scientists say that smoking produces toxins in the fetus and cause fetal malnutrition. Therefore, the child has a tendency to accumulate fat.

Unique Facts Of Smoking

Did you know that the movie could affect the children to smoke? Strange indeed, but the official research already prove it.

It is difficult to stop smoking because there are many causes why someone decided to smoke. For example, stress, boredom, show themselves to make it look cool, and so on. But there is definitely a certain smokers want to stop bad habits. The best way to do this is to treat the cause by giving another solution. For example, if you can't stand smoke, immediately replace it with drinking tea with a powerful sense of the more salubrious.

Facts Of Smoking
Facts Of Smoking
Smoking is the destroyer of the heart if you want to quit smoking, you will lower the risk of cardiovascular disease by 80%. Because smoking creates good cholesterol levels and oxygen decreases. Smoking also speeds up the heart rate as well as clogging the blood vessels.

Asthma and smoking people who smoke are synonymous with asthma. Because airway irritation and swelled as a result of smoking. If a person is initially already have asthma and keep smoking, obviously his illness will grow worse.

Stress triggers the smoking habits of facts from recent studies had revealed the stress being able to trigger the habit of smoking. For example in the Office. An employee claiming to be taking smoke if there is a friend. Some of the others said they just want a break from the saturated flavor due to work.

The artist can help you quit smoking there is an idea about how to quit smoking. For example, the artist promotion that smoking is not good for your health. The influence of the artist in the community is deemed to take enough effective to stop the smoking habit.

The Film could affect A child's research in the United States attests, most children learn to smoke from the film. Because these children think smoking look cool. So they mimic the behaviour of it.

So many important facts about smoking. Hopefully, the above information is helpful to you.

Smoking Facts

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Food for Gout
Food for Gout Sufferers
Food for Gout Sufferers should be avoided - Food for Gout Sufferers are almost the same as diet program, it's just the difference between consuming certain foods is a destination that gout sufferers can reduce the impact of diseases of uric acid that they suffered by way of following the diet or diet program which has been drawn up in such a way. This is because the disease is caused by uric acid diet unhealthy namely too much – food consumer foods containing substances purin.

What Is A Substance, Purin?
Of course most of you are not very familiar with this term, and even some of you can deny that you never consume something like purin. Well, isn't the type of substance purin substance you can find any food on the menu but this substance is found in many foods-foods that you consume on a daily basis especially food-food that comes from living things. In other words, you need to consume a substance because the body requires it for such substances to the body's metabolic process but if excessive consume then precisely the disease would appear, one of which is this uric acid disease.

Diet Program for The sufferers of Gout
Talking about food for Gout Sufferers will be an awful lot of the restriction list. The more you mature you better make sure right about some things, especially food menu that you consume on a daily basis. Organ meats, seafood, canned food and food rich in protein and fat are types of food that a sufferer must avoid uric acid. Some vegetables like asparagus, beans, cauliflower, Cress, Pawpaw leaves and nuts also should be avoided or reduced because of substance levels consume purin in vegetables-these vegetables tend to be higher than other vegetables.

As has been said above that the more you age, the better the detail of your diet. However, there is really no harm for you to start your healthy lifestyle patterns early on. While you're young make sure you only consume foods-healthy and nutritious foods containing substances that the body is quite needed don't be too extravagant or too short not too, because of the lack of substance in the body, purin may also cause health disorders. And for the sufferers of gout, make sure you pay attention to his diet as well as consume types of food i.e. food for Gout Sufferers.

Food for Gout Sufferers should be avoided

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Healthy Food
Healthy Food
Healthy Food - Enjoy healthy foods that Extend Life. Healthy food should become part of the lifestyle. Unfortunately, the high levels of stress experienced by the workers today, making some people seek pleasure through food. A culinary indulgence a lot of people, without concern for the health of the food itself. While it's easier to find delicious food unhealthy than healthy. Once satisfied with the adventure of eating, the end is regret because then disease, diabetes, high blood to heart disease. Just because ignoring healthy food, loss of opportunity to undergo the old while enjoying the results of hard works over the years. At a minimum, know what is meant by a healthy diet should implement the pattern, then when it's ready, of course, faster is better.

Healthy food from natural materials

Let's start our Healthy Food records with foods that are high in every kalorinya. Healthy foods will help the cells in the body work out, so it's not easy to get tired. Animal Protein, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and fruits included in the category of healthy food. The fewer processes that bypassed these materials before serving, the better. So, it can be inferred that such a penchant for fried foods, cakes, sweet fatty foods, as well as processed snacks not included in categories healthy foods. Reduce the consume slowly until able to stop it completely. Everything for the sake of the future. Keep in mind also, that breakfast is an important part of your healthy diet. Although it seems this is an action to save calories, but in reality, skipping breakfast in a long period of time will degrade the ability of metabolism. Of course, eat breakfast Food healthy. Fresh fruit combined with grains, cereals, bread, peanut butter, or even foods soups can be a Healthy choice of food for breakfast.

Healthy food menus are easy to come by

Thus, it takes is a food with high in anti oxidants. Healthy food is expected to eliminate toxins in the body. Because of that, get a natural anti oxidant through intake food which could offset the food colored nutrition. This time healthy food menu can include melons, berries, vegetables with green color too dark like spinach, Ipomoea aquatic, or broccoli. Don't forget the omega-3s as well. Underestimating the content of this one will not be profitable. Mood, mind, path, energy concentration ability that prima, and the power of memory, all of which are closely related with the omega-3s. So, try to enter into healthy food menu, at least one of every day, grain, flax oil, walnut oil, fish, grain, and green vegetables.

Healthy Food

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Foods Diabetics
Foods Diabetics
Foods Diabetics - Find out which Foods Diabetics Should Avoid

Foods Diabetics actually not hard to come by. You may often see him every day, but not too understand it as food that is recommended for diabetics. In addition to consuming foods that are considered safe, you also need to know the foods that should be avoided. This is important, so that his diabetes was not getting worse. One of Food Diabetics should is the noodles and pasta. Glikemik index foods are high on the material base is emerging because of simple carbohydrates that if consumed quite a lot will make your blood sugar levels rise.

Foods that you should stay away from

You may be one of the millions of people who have not felt if you don't consume rice meal. In fact, rice also needs to be reduced if you suffer from diabetes, or at least you replaced it with rice which is recommended for Diabetics, Food of rice brown rice or brown. If you already consume foods Diabetics that are safe, you still have to pay attention to your favorite beverage. We recommend that you reduce the consumption of caffeine because negative impact for diabetics. Potatoes and white bread are also not included in Food Diabetics. Both have a high index of glikemik. So avoid the baked potato, boiled, fried, as well as dressing and white bread with bread from wheat flour that is fibrous and high good for the heart.

Foods Diabetics those are good for you

Drinks and Food Safe Diabetics you already know. Next up is the fruit, so that you can enjoy a complete dish such as your friends a diabetes-free. Fruits that are good for you are mangos teen. Mangos teen is strongly recommended because of the antioxidant content, carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins is very high. By consuming mangos teen, your blood circulation improves, so does your immune system, and your natural abilities in the fight against the disease. Now you know the Foods Diabetics neither dangerous nor advisable to support your health. Although you cannot recover completely, but to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including Diabetics consume foods which are good, you can enjoy your life like they were free of diabetes. If you are bored with the food that Diabetics-that's it, make a list of the menu for one week with a variety of materials. This way can be used to get around a sense of saturation that can push you back to Diabetics unhealthy Food that used to be your favorite.

Foods Diabetics

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Ulcer in Adolescence
Ulcer in Adolescence
Ulcer in Adolescence - Problems in the digestive system should not be ignored. Digestive problems are most common in adolescents primarily military assistance advisory group is a disease gastric acid or gastro-esophageal reflux, mostly known as ulcer disease. This disorder should be given special treatment because it can lead to more serious problems that can affect the respiratory system.

As most people know, digestive diseases such as stomach ulcer may occur at any time but mostly after eating heavy foods with high levels of acid. Thus, everyone should avoid foods that are highly acidic conditions in order to prevent this from happening. Even foods that are fried and fatty foods should also be avoided. These foods can cause more severe symptoms that can affect the respiratory system. Even Brown considered abstinence for someone with the disease increased gastric acid, because Brown acid is also very high.

Foods that should be avoided
Here are some foods that should be avoided.
-Fatty foods such as hamburgers and hot dogs are one of the major risks that triggered a painful condition of gastric ulcer.
-Certain Vegetables such as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli can also cause an increase in gastric acid.
-Most importantly, avoid caffeine contained in tea, coffee, and soda. Caffeine causes the secretion of gastric acid, which can cause gastric tukak.

The steps to do
Gastric acid is a condition that requires serious treatment. You should take precautions to avoid possible gastric acid increases, and avoid triggers.
Learn to diagnose problems that are caused by an increase in acid and take precautions to avoid possible occurrence of gastric ulcer.
Eating disorder is purely millions of adults and adolescents. Eating disorders or ulcer in adolescence is the most common in the United States is anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.
* Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by malnutrition.

* A teenager suffering from bulimia nervosa obsess more controlling food intake through cycle junket followed by flushing through the use of laxatives.

* Party eating disorder bulimia nervosa are rather similar to but without excessive cleansing. Individuals who suffer from junket often have the same medical consequences as clinical obesity. This is important for individuals suffering from eating disorders to seek medical aid care from a licensed professional treatment Center specialize in complex issues surrounding the disorder.

Ulcer in Adolescence

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Abnormalities in Pregnancy
Abnormalities in Pregnancy
Abnormalities in PregnancyAbnormalities in pregnancy one of them:

Hiperemesis Gravidarum

Hiperemesis Gravidarum is nausea and vomiting excessively. Nausea and vomiting is the most common disorder in pregnancy trisemester, more or less in the first 6 weeks after my period last for 10 weeks. Approximately 60-80% primigravida and 40-60% experiencing nausea and vomiting multigravida, however these symptoms become more severe in only 1 out of 1,000 pregnancies.

The Cause Of

Not yet known for sure, but several factors have an influence among other things:

Predisposing factors, namely, and pregnancy double primigravida.
Organic factors, namely, the inclusion of vili khorialis allergy within circulation, metabolic, and resistance from pregnant mothers who declined.
Psychological factors

The precautionary principle is treating emesis so as not happening hiperemesis.

Illumination that pregnancy and childbirth is the process of Physiology
Eat a little bit, but often. Give your food a distraction such as biscuit, bread, dry with a warm tea when get up early and before going to bed. Avoid greasy food and smells. Food should be in a State of hot or very cold

When prevention is not successful, then needed treatment including:

With a quiet bedroom is isolated and bright with good air exchange. Calorie parenteral glucose given with 5% in physiological fluids as much as 2-3 liters a day (infusion).
When for 24 hours with no vomiting and an increase either, try to give your drinks and food was bit by bit plus.
Recommended allotment of vitamin B1 and B6 supplement
Provide psychological therapy for patients convince his illness as well as eliminate bias cured my fear of pregnant and conflicts hiperemesis.
On the circumstances more weight given the drug antiemetic of doctors.

Abnormalities in Pregnancy

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Acne - Acne is a condition where the skin pores clogged causing pus SAC that is inflamed. Acne is usually always arising in the area of the face; it is due to the sensitive skin on the face. The most common cause of acne is hormonal, piles of oil or sebum in the skin is collaborating with bacteria.

How to prevent acne :

prevent acne
Face wash/clean the face after wearing cosmetics
Dry your face with a clean towel after washing face or showering
Select the cosmetic that suit your skin
Drinking lots of water white
Eat a lot of vegetables and fruit

How to treat acne traditionally

These are traditional materials that can be used to treat acne.

1. Betel leaf
Betel leaves as many as 7-12 sheets, then boiled with 3 glasses of water. After boiling, lift and let sit until warm-warm nails. The stew is use to wash your face breakouts, preferably done in a routine before going to bed the other night and after traveling. This stew can also be drunk as well.

2. Key lime
A lemon squeezed, a cucumber, crushed and squeezed to take water. Apply a mixture of material to the rest of the face as a mask, after 15 minutes wash with warm water.

3. Star fruit
Star fruit 5-7 fruits, water salt to taste crushed finely then smeared on its skin breakouts twice a day, morning and evening before sleep.

4. Honey
2 tablespoons of honey and one egg white from the egg, mix so one, then by the as a mask, let sit 30 minutes then rinse with warm water.


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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fruits Are Good For The Eyes - The eye is one of the members of the five human senses. The eye is used to see God's creation that is so beautiful in this world. With eyes, a lot of things which can be learned by humans like wana, forms, as well as other lessons.

Nowadays, many once encountered diseases that strike the eye. One of them is cataracts. And usually, this disease suffered by people of advanced age. But did not rule out the possibility for adolescents suffering from eye diseases such as another shortsighted dekt and low, so it requires the teens to wear glasses. Even now, the little boy was already there wear glasses.

Fruits Are Good For The Eyes
Fruits Are Good For The Eyes
To that end, preferably early on should already tell parents and teaches children about how to care for an eye to good use. For example, tell children that do not watch television or do not play close game for too long because it will damage the eye. In addition, the children make it a habit to consume healthy foods.

The fruit is one of the foods that are healthy and quite popular by children. Moreover, the colors are pretty interesting. Research conducted at the University of Georgia proves that colorful fruits that are very likely to prevent eye disease. And these fruits are good for the eyes.

1. Berry

Blue berries, black berries, and any type of berry is very good for the eyes. Because all fruits containing anthocyanins, antioxidants have very much to improve vision at night. Anthocyanins have a high potential for aging and neurological diseases, inflammation, infection, bacteria and even cancer.

2. Avocado

Avocado fruit is rich in vitamins A, B1, and c. good avocado Fruit to cope with dry eyes and optic nerve defects.

3. lime

Lemon is rich in vitamins B1 and C is good for the eyes and blurred due to tension headache.

4. Papaya

Papaya fruit is rich in vitamins A, C and beta carotene. Papaya fruit is good to cure myopia or myopic far and headaches due to eye strain.

5. Tomatoes

Plum tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, B1, and C is good for myopia or nearsightedness, shortsighted, and astigmatisme.

Fruits Are Good For The Eyes

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Friday, September 14, 2012

Fatal Mistakes In Diet - Slim body becomes everyone especially the women. And it can be obtained by setting the proper diet also diet. But often the diet does fail, it is due to an error often unconscious in doing the diet.

Errors that often occur in the running diet are:

Fatal Mistakes In Diet
1. Hungry

The general assumption that eating a lot will say put on weight while eating less will reduce the weight, so most people will get hungry spring ideal weight. Real hungry will result in our metabolism decreases, causing rates of fat burning and energy we also decreased. As a result the body feel less fit, lackluster and not powerful. Hunger is a natural body that our bodies lack of blood sugar and an empty stomach.

2. no Breakfast

This is often done intentionally or not was done or not used to do and this is done as a general culture. Breakfast is an important nutrient intake for our bodies. After we slept for 8 hours without getting nutrients intake, our bodies are in dire need of nutrients through the breakfast as a source of energy to deal with throughout the day. Skipping breakfast will make our body taking energy from a catabolic state that our muscles (source:

3. no Dinner

While sleeping the body does not require a lot of calories but the body requires a lot of protein for growth hormone while sleeping will be out so the body gets damaged cells as memeperbaiki, and material improvement of protein. protein consumption we recommend 2-3 hours before going to bed. This Protein can be obtained from soy milk, milk, milk containing whey protein.

4. do not eat After a workout

Eating after exercise is often assumed that the sport is done be in vain. When eating after a workout is the most important meal for the body. It is strongly recommended to drink protein and carbohydrate 15 minutes after exercising and eating real food a maximum of 1 hour after exercising to improve our body cells are damaged when exercising.

5. Less Drinking Water

Less drinking water results in more body hold water causing the extra weight and metabolism of nutrients less running smoothly. Drink 2-3 liters of water/day

6. Remove One component of Nutrition

Eliminate fat, carbohydrates or or eliminating high protein consumption is very dangerous for the body of mine. Diet-diet is not balanced and would disrupt the function body and can menyebakan a more serious disease. Suggested Diet is a balanced rather than proscribe one type of nutrition that there are

By fixing the errors above, can improve the way the diet as long as it used to be more optimal results.

Fatal Mistakes In Diet

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Immunization types you must know with (good)Provide Immunization in infants and Children is a very important thing. Yes, the granting of this immune will support it to grow up to be healthy and productive Children. If discussing about Immunization will be quite a lot of this type of Vaccine that you must understand to start Vaccine Tuberculosis, Tetanus, Hepatitis a and Polio. Well this time you will learn about the types of Immunization should you know along with its character.

Immunization types
1. BCG Immunization
Types of Immunization is used to provide security or immunity in the body of the son of Tuberculosis (TB) in the form of the tuberculosis Bacilli that are Virus in the blood. BCG vaccine is given before the child enters a 1 time 2 months of age. BCG Bacillus Calmette itself stands for and this Vaccine contains Guerrin BCG live attenuated around 50,000 – 1,000,000 particles/dose, so it is not harmful to the body.

2. DTP Immunization
This type of immunization Vaccines that contain 3 serves to protect the Child from disease Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertusis. Diphtheria is a bacterial infection that attacks the throat which can lead to problems that are quite serious. Tetanus comes from bacterial infection which can cause certain body parts feels stiff and convulsed. While Pertusis is caused by a bacterial infection that attacks the respiratory tract so patients typically experience pretty severe cough and breath that read high.

3. Measles Immunization
Rubella is often attacked children who grow up to be adolescents and usually attack only once in a lifetime. However, You should be wary because the disease is very dangerous and can cause death. Measles vaccine can be given when this new Child aged 9 months or even more.

4. Immunization Hib
This type of Child Immunization will provide immunity against influenza type B Haemophilus infection (Hib). This can cause a variety of Hib problems such as Miningitis, as well as infections in the throat which is quite severe.

5. MMR Immunization
This type of Immunization provide protection for the Child from diseases such as Measles are quite dangerous and Gondongan. Rubella can cause the Child himself was hit by a fever, runny, eyes continued to cough and colds don't stop and also skin that looks beruam. If this is allowed then it would step up to the advanced stage in which could lead to infection in the ear and brain swelling that can lead to death of course.

While Gondongan can cause fatal problems of its own in the scrotal so can cause infertility. Usually MMR is injected twice. This vaccine is usually given to Children who have entered the age of 15 months, and could be a replacement of the Measles Vaccine. So after the MMR Vaccine is given, then it need not be given Measles again to his Son.

6. Polio Immunization
This is one of the most important of the Immunization types Immunization should you know along with its character. This one disease is consuming the victim quite a lot and even many, so you can see exactly which people affected by Polio. This can cause the disease Polio paralysis around the limbs and it is a dangerous disease. The Polio vaccine is usually given when a newborn is given, the next again when the baby was 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 3 months and 5 years.

Immunization types you must know

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Insulin as a treatment for Diabetes - Insulin is one of the hormones that are closely associated with diabetes. This hormone, according to online encyclopaedia, is a type of hormone that is produced by the pancreas – the primary function of this hormone is to regulate the metabolism of fat and carbohydrates in the body as well. The same source says that this hormone is governing the storage of sugars (which streamed through the blood) to the other internal organs such as the layer of fat, bone, and also liver.

Insulin as a treatment for Diabetes
Basically there are many organs in the human body are closely related to these hormones, so that these hormones are thought to have an important role in the metabolism of the body. And indeed, according to medical sources, online hormone produced by the pancreas affects the function of some organs of the body to another. When these hormones enter the brain of a person, then he'll get benefits such as the ability of remembering and verbal memory are increasing. If the pancreas get impaired, so it is not capable of producing insulin, then there will be an imbalance in the body that cause someone misbehaving health such as diabetes.

Insulin treatment of Diabetes as one of the

In the medical world, Insulin closely related to one of treating diabetes – which is a condition in which a person's body (especially the kidneys) are not able to digest and process sugar properly. Diabetes, in the early stages, may not be dangerous than heart disease. However, in advanced stages, the disease could cause a fatal health problems, and kidney failure is one of them.

Fortunately, there are currently several kinds of treatment to choose from to treat diabetes, one of the treatments is through insulin injection therapy. Insulin therapy is one of the many treatments for diabetes medically, and is primarily intended for those who are already suffering from advanced stages of diabetes. Or if you want to quickly recover from diabetes, this is the best type of treatment should be selected.

However there are a few things to watch out for in doing therapy with insulin. First, it must choose a doctor who is experienced with these therapies, and secondly, if did it without the help of a doctor, should be careful in choosing the right type of insulin.

Choose the type of Insulin that is appropriate and Safe

Along with the development of medicine, then there is some type of already exists this hormone to be found and selected. According to old works, these hormones are grouped into five; the rapid-acting insulin, pre-mixed, intermediate acting, as well as short-acting.

There are some consider made by a doctor to determine the right type of hormone insulin, and one of them is considering postprandial blood glucose levels and fasting. In addition, a physician will also take into consideration the activities and the willingness of the patient; some patients not to do this painstaking therapy, partly perhaps often forget to inject the hormone therapy.

In addition to the willingness of the patient, a doctor will also consider the ability of a patient to build up the spirit to heal, patients may be given a shot of lazy. To get the most effective treatments and satisfying, it's good when combining healthy living patterns after making Insulin therapy.

Insulin as a treatment for Diabetes

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Types Of Food Allergies - Allergies are a reaction against copious material from outside based on immunological reactions. This reaction is generally only occur at certain people who have a tendency to it (genetic factors), and less on people without a history of allergy in the family.

In adults: seafood like scallops, shrimp, lobster, crab, calamari, squid and fish. Several types of nuts nuts nuts such as walnuts, peanuts. The most frequently found is egg allergy.

Types Of Food Allergies
In young children: patterns of allergies that occur sometimes differ from the adults. Foods that cause allergy in children often are eggs, milk, peanuts, and fruit such as tomatoes and strawberries.

-Rash or hives on the skin begin to appear. In extreme cases, swelling and itching can spread throughout the body.
-Swelling of the certain areas near the mouth.
-Swelling of the ear
-Redness and itching in the eye.
-Runny nose
Vomiting and diarrhea
-Difficulty in breathing and wheezing, sometimes signs of asthma

Preventing Food Allergies

Avoid foods that become allergens is the most important thing in handling food allergies. After the known types of foods that cause allergies then these foods should be eliminated from the list menu daily. The trick is to be able to make a list of food/food content that he eats daily. When allergies appear, then he can look back on what whatever he ate before the emergence of allergies. If it is found, immediately delete those from the list of types of food menu.

Types Of Food Allergies

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Tips To Slim Down Naturally - Tips To slim down is always a topic you're looking for, especially by the eve. Which woman doesn't want to have a slender body and ideal? Indeed the body slim and ideal to be dambaan every woman, but we need to review that it is best to trim in a way that is natural. Is natural here is do not use chemicals that are harmful to the body. The women who want to know the Tips described above should focus on a natural way because in addition to the natural way this does not harm the body and not bring side effects, in terms of price also cheaper and affordable.

Here are a few tips to slim down naturally that you can consider:

1. Enough vegetables and Fruit Consumption

Slim Down Naturally
Consuming fruits and vegetables in an adequate amount of natural way is one which is quite effective and safe for you to apply. Fruit and vegetable is very beneficial to maintain freshness of the body as well as improve digestion. This will make your body can process the nutrients properly. In addition due to the levels of the fat that goes into the body replaced with fruit and vegetables, then the body will slim down naturally. To meet the needs of animal protein, you can consume meat without fat meat like chicken and fish.

2. Enough Sports
Slim down naturally as well you can do by exercising on a regular basis. Sports that do not need the heavy, pretty light but regular and right on target. Frequency of exercising enough about 15-30 minutes a day, 3 times a week. Types of sports such as jogging, can exercise abdominal muscles, and low-impact exercise. Bottom line, You should be consistent in doing so. For that you need to commit to do sports regularly, then undoubtedly you'll get slim body naturally.

3. live more Active
Living life in a more active is the next natural Tips that you can apply. The more active is to take advantage of every opportunity to move and transmit energy. Sleeping enough, and get up earlier. Take the time to do a relaxing activities that are useful as well as gardening. Running more and more take heart in living life. Bear in mind that psychological factors also strongly supports efforts in order to have a healthy body and trim. The energy expended will help the body become healthy and trim.

Slim down is actually not difficult. The key is the intention and consistency in working towards the body trim. Hopefully the Tips To slim down naturally above can be useful for you.

Tips To Slim Down Naturally

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Herbs For Diabetes - The Easy Way To Consume Herbs For Diabetes, Herbs for Diabetes can relieve you already tired of consuming medicines, and want to live more healthy with a natural way. Indeed, relying on Herbal remedies for Diabetes alone is not going to solve your health problems already filled to diagnose diabetes. However, herbs for diabetics can be a companion effort after sniper set diet and exercising regularly. Does Herbal for Diabetes this will drain your pockets? Of course not. You can even host it directly from your small page. All this is an attempt to control and friendly with diabetes who will accompany you for a lifetime. Herbs for Diabetes will work effectively stimulate your pancreas produce insulin with large amounts in order to lower your blood sugar levels.

Herbs For Diabetes
The grounds of the plant could be the herbs for Diabetes

You love to consume dumpling with pare? If Yes, a love you up on pare, pare because included in Herbal remedies for Diabetes that you can embed themselves in your House yards. So, is surprisingly simple, pare that seems able to crank up production this beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin are powerful repair your body. Why pare could include in herbs for Diabetes? This is simply because their subjects are very important for the management of diabetes. This time you can mengkonsumsinya in the form of juices as much as 20 mili liters every morning when the stomach is still empty. It would be very nice if you could pick it directly from your yard every morning isn't it? Gardening activity itself could also be activities that nourish your mind.

Herbal ingredients for Diabetes that is easily Obtained

In addition to pare, you can also consume herbs for Diabetes by ginseng. Ginseng roots are very efficacious for treating diabetes through their ability to increase the sensitivity of the cells in your body to insulin which will take glucose in order to lower your blood sugar. In spite of its Herbal for Diabetes, it would be better if there was a doctor who was accompanying you consume ginseng. This is because the nature of ginseng which can be opposed if consumed together with chemical drugs such as heparin, warfarin, aspirin until the usual consumed diabetics. In addition to ginseng, cinnamon is also included in Herbal remedies for Diabetes. With just one teaspoon cinnamon extract only, your body will be able to rejuvenate his ability to respond to insulin, as well as lowering the concentration of glucose significantly. Herbs for Diabetes this one totally unreliable as a supporting your efforts to cope with diabetes.

Herbs For Diabetes

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Symptoms Of Dysentery Diseases - Dysentery disease: the cause of Dysentery, dysentery types and symptoms of dysentery

Said Dysentery is derived from Greece, namely dys (= interruption) and enteron (intestine =). So the notion of dysentery disease is a disease of the digestive form of intestinal infection or inflammation of the intestines caused by the bacteria, which cause diarrhea severe enough. Travel sickness sufferers any more varied between individuals, where some people suffering from dysentery have mild symptoms, while others may experience severe diarrhea with or without vomiting, which may give rise to the risk of dehydration. Fortunately dysentery can be easily treated with antibiotics and drugs antiparasit. disease dysentery if left untreated can lead to severe dehydration.

Symptoms Of Dysentery Diseases
Cause Dysentery

The most common cause of dysentery and often encountered in the community is to not wash your hands after using public restrooms, or do not wash your hands before eating. Quite simple indeed for cause dysentery as a classic case of, but that's the reality that often occur. Outline the cause of dysentery disease is closely associated with the cleanliness of the environment around us and clean living habits.

Types of Dysentery

This type of disease dysentery, seen from bacteria that invade the human body include:
-amoeba dysentery (amoebiasis), the cause is bacteria caused diarrhea entamoeba histolytica, a fairly severe.
Due to the destruction of the walls of the large intestine, resulting in ulceration (wound in layers mucous that forms the hole).
Amoeba can exist for long periods of time in the large intestine (colon). Usually strikes children under 5 years of age or a toddler.
-dysentery the cause is bacterial basiler, shigella, escherichia coli (EIEC), enteroinvasif
Salmonella, campylobacter jejuni (especially in infants). Shigella bacteria need to look out for
because 60% of the case including CA. weight and may be referred to the hospital as well as life-threatening.

Symptoms Of Dysentery

Symptoms that arise in malady dysentery, among others:
-prone time symptoms of dysentery can last between 5-7 days or even longer
sufferers experience cramps in the stomach (colic)
-pain at the time of sufferers experienced CHAPTER/defecation (tenesmus)
Chapters are accompanied by mucus (mucus houses)
-CHAPTER with a bloody feces
-high heat (39,5-40 degrees Celsius)
-sometimes accompanied by symptoms like encephalitis and sepsis
(seizures, headaches, lethargy, rigid kuduk, hallucinations).

Symptoms Of Dysentery Diseases

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Symptoms of diseases of uric acid and Food Consumption Should to control uric acid - Uric acid disease often also called arthritis diseases. And symptoms of diseases of uric acid is normally partake in with inflammation joints that are primarily caused by the buildup of uric acid in the blood. Proper care of uric acid can be helped with medication and proper diet.

Symptoms of diseases of uric acid
Symptoms of gout disease most major usually in mark with the attacks hurts are suddenly in the joint, redness and swelling in some joints.

The food was also very instrumental in the increase or decrease uric acid disease symptoms. Patients suffering from gout should also reduce foods containing uric acid and reducing their weight.

In many cases is often a symptom of diseases of uric acid can make people who suffer from his sleep awakens suddenly, because hard pressed in the prediction when uric acid disease it's time this occurs

Symptoms of diseases of uric acid can be divided into 3 stages, namely:

The first phase of the onset of Symptoms of acute gout disease (sudden onset of sudden and severe) such as swelling and inflammation of the joints, red and shiny skin, itchiness on skin. Due to the intense pain usually keeps pain sufferers as they went, even pressure from blanket can make the pain. Symptoms of gout disease is often arise at night

The second phase, where the symptoms of uric acid disease is already starting to subside, and if left untreated and not accompanied by proper diet food is very likely once the onset of problems in controlling diseases of uric acid or impossible. Therefore this uric acid levels are too high concentration in the blood is in the process of penstabilan

The three stages in which uric acid disease has become chronic, where the disorder settled on the joints, and in certain cases may result in the loss of kidney function and even in case of extreme cases, can lead to kidney failure
Several types of foods that should be consumed to control the level of uric acid in the body:

Sulfur-containing vegetables, such as garlic, onion
Drinking plenty of water can help to eliminate toxins in your body
Several different types of beverages can increase uric acid such as coffee, tea, chocolate and beer

Several types of foods that should be avoided because it contains high, like it for the liver, clams, sardines, anchovy, sweet bread, mutton, beef, yeast, salmon.

Symptoms of diseases of uric acid and Food Consumption Should to control uric acid

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Symptoms and characteristics of uric acidCharacteristics of uric acid normally appears in people who are already mature. Uric acid is a type of disease that arises because the body consumes too much substance purin. Substances contained in each purin is almost a living thing you like meat and seafood consumption but that does not mean you have to avoid these types of diseases in order to avoid uric acid disease. The problem is also the kind of substance substance purin body needs, merits and demerits of substances in the body can be very purin is harmful to the body. Therefore from you avoid consuming foods containing substances purin, better early on you have to narrow it down, due to uric acid disease occurs because of the too much substance accumulates purin in the body.

characteristics of uric acid
Symptoms Of Gout
Knowing the symptoms is important to you because by knowing the characteristics of uric acid you can soon find a solution. As for the symptoms of gout that you should know is:
-Joint feels pain in bone and sciatica.
-Tingling too often.
-During nighttime and early riser joints ached.
-Joints are joints that often attacked toes and the heel of the hand, as well as the wrist.
In more severe cases, when bergerakpun joints will feel pain. So of course can inhibit Your daily activity if bergerakpun joints ached.

Causes Of Uric Acid
Purin overload in the body is the main cause of the emergence of the disease due to uric acid kidney being unable to make excess substance is so that the substance is crystallized in the body. In General a gout sufferers also have an indication such as having high blood diseases, diabetes and kidney disorders. Obesity can also be an indication that a person prone to suffer diseases of uric acid.

In many cases, men and women above 40 years old are particularly susceptible to the diseases of uric acid. Therefore when you've entered the age of these make sure you consume proper foods and food-food that mengindari contain a purin redundantly. Examples of foods that should be avoided by people with gout or people above 40 years old who have never known uric acid is like offal and seafood. Two types of food that is good and tasty but for the sake of the health of course you have to pay attention to anything that you eat before a uric acid Characteristics arise.

Symptoms and characteristics of uric acid

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Uric acid symptoms you should know - Symptoms of Gout you should beware of early on so that you can quickly find the best solutions and treatment before it is too late and everything becomes a more serious complaints. As we know the symptoms and diseases of uric acid can be very annoying, especially since the arrival of the sufferer could unexpectedly unwittingly.

Uric acid symptoms
If you are someone who is aware of your health, uric acid is one kind of disease you must know, learn good symptoms, causes, treatments and solutions as well as handling, and of course, uric acid is a disease that You avoid as far as possible. Uric acid is one of the body's condition, where a disease is much suffered for those less noticed and do patterns healthy living. Healthy life patterns is here including ingestion nutritious and beneficial for the body; the sufferer usually often consume uric acid foods containing fat and high cholesterol. For those of you who have a pattern of unhealthy life, here are some of the symptoms of gout disease that you need to know.

Symptoms Of Gout Occur Incrementally
This article will discuss the outline some symptoms of Gout, both related to the health of its victims in General, or specific symptoms which may inflict this disease. First of all, here is an overview of symptoms. According to some sources, the symptoms of gout are usually marked with the initial attack that attacks the joints of its victims. These attacks will generally last for a few days, and then disappear for a few moments, and then come back again. Although it only lasted a few days, these symptoms can be extremely agonizing; Moreover, the loss of only a few moments alone. To avoid such attacks, especially those that are more severe, you should should be vigilant and immediately seek treatment at its best. How to get here from the doctor's treatment, and alternative medicine.

Some uric acid Symptoms you should know
There are several symptoms of gout disease sufferers in general suffered. One of the symptoms is the sore-sore, accompanied by a sense of trying to achieve that too often. Here you must be observant: If you are trying to achieve more often than usual, when your job is the same than usual, it could be that you are already suffering from gout. Achieve a sense of going on accompanied by sore-sore, and this is still an early stage symptoms. On a more severe stage, uric acid is characterized by symptoms such as severe sciatica and tingling there are some parts of certain joints.

At the stage of severe, it can cause urinary uric acid stones. It is strongly recommended that you immediately seeing a doctor or you may prefer to go to the clinic of alternative medicine, especially if you have experienced symptoms of acute levels of uric acid.

Uric acid symptoms you should know

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