Tuesday, August 21, 2018

6 Ways to Recover Yourself from Trauma

Prolonged trauma can endanger yourself and health. Find out the right way to recover yourself so you smile again.

6 Ways to Recover Yourself from Trauma

Trauma can be complex and affect aspects of life, one of which is health. Because of this, trauma due to anything must be addressed immediately, and everyone must know the strategy of caring for themselves and dealing with trauma.

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), trauma is defined as an extraordinary life-changing experience that can cause ongoing pain and suffering. Sometimes, trauma results in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD).

Because the trauma response for each individual is different, self-care strategies for managing trauma are an integral part of any recovery program. Developing good self-care can be a positive experience, it can even make a big difference in how well you recover.

Here are some ways to help yourself after experiencing trauma, as quoted from Bustle:


Shahida Arabi, author of the book Fifty Shades of Narcissism and The Smart Girl's Guide to Self-Care, said that traumatic events can produce changes in the brain that interfere with the process of learning, memory, and emotional regulation.

Meditation can help heal areas of the brain most affected by traumatic experiences, said Arabi. In addition, meditation can be a powerful tool for recovery, especially when combined with other trauma handling techniques.


Arabi said that yoga can also help rebuild self-control after events that make you feel helpless and paralyzed.

According to a study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), yoga has been shown to reduce the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. When combined with conventional trauma treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy and psychotherapy, the benefits of yoga can be maximized.


Andrea Schneider, a clinical social worker licensed from California, believes that quality sleep can optimize your healing process. According to him, setting a healthy sleep cycle helps relieve symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder such as anxiety and depression.

Exercise hard

Exercising is an important component for post-traumatic recovery. Schneider said exercise and enough sleep can help reduce post-traumatic symptoms from time to time and reduce depression and anxiety.

To find out what exercise is suitable, you can consult with your doctor and therapist to design the best approach. Because some forms of exercise can actually worsen your trauma.

Find a supportive community

Do not hesitate to lose contact with people who do not respect your feelings, or who do not support your healing process. Healing relationships, such as respecting your life experience and recovery path, are the main principles of trauma recovery. This is especially true for those who are trying to recover from childhood trauma.

Establish good relationships with the trauma recovery community, friends, and loved ones who support you. A strong support system will greatly affect recovery opportunities.

Writing diary

Writing diaries can be beneficial for those who experience PTSD. Research shows that writing diaries can help reduce post-traumatic symptoms while providing a safe "drain" for anxiety, anger, and other challenging emotions.

Those are some ways to recover from trauma. Your self-care helps protect your physical and mental health when the liver is depressed, and prevents further trauma. Also use the support of people around to restore confidence and build your strength.