Monday, August 13, 2018

Tips for Maintaining Facial Skin from Outside and Inside

Beautiful and youthful facial skin needs complete care, from outside and inside. How to?

Tips for Maintaining Facial Skin from Outside and Inside

Most people want bright, wrinkle-free facial skin that looks tight and clean. If you also crave such facial skin, all you have to do is take care from outside and inside.

In fact, the entire skin - including the face - consists of layers of collagen and elastin. This layer is also influenced by age, diet, alcohol, smoking and stress.

External Facial Skin Care

UV rays from the sun, air pollution and daily activities can cause the appearance of the skin to become dull, untreated and premature aging. Therefore, the skin needs protection, aka a shield from these harmful things.

Some actions you can take to treat the skin from outside, include:

· Use sunscreen

Exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause irritation and signs of premature aging appear on your skin. To avoid this, you are advised to use a sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30, especially when you are outdoors.

· Don't forget moisturizer

Dryness that occurs on facial skin can trigger the appearance of fine lines to wrinkles. As a solution to this, you must apply moisturizer on the entire surface of the face regularly and regularly.

· Wash your face with a suitable skin care product

Wash your face at least 2 times a day using facial cleansing products that are suitable for skin conditions. Also make sure the product does not contain detergents or harmful chemicals.

Deep Facial Skin Care

For deep facial skin care, some actions that you must pay attention to are:

· Get ​​enough sleep

You are advised to sleep for 8 hours per day. Sleep will make the regeneration process of cells in the body run more optimally. Thus, your body and skin health can be more awake.

· Exercise regularly and regularly

Exercise that is done regularly and regularly can form a better blood circulation and endurance. This will affect the overall health condition of your skin and body.

· Avoid cigarettes

Cigarettes contain more than 4,000 harmful chemicals. Some of them can cause dull, dry and rough skin. In addition, facial muscle movements during smoking also facilitate the appearance of fine lines, especially in areas near the lips.

· Eat healthy food

To get a bright, clean, supple appearance and avoid premature aging, you need to eat healthy foods, especially those containing antioxidants, collagen and vitamin E.

Antioxidants can be found in strawberries, kiwi, spinach and tomatoes. Collagen in fish and lean meats, garlic, nuts, soy products and dark green vegetables. While vitamin E on tomatoes, kiwi, avocado, nuts and chili.

If you have difficulty getting the foods above, the nutrients that the skin needs can also be found in supplements. Supplements are now available with a combination of high levels of natural antioxidants and collagen that help reduce wrinkle depth and fine lines on the face.

Remember that facial skin that is bright, clean and free of signs of premature aging can only be obtained if you do the above tips consistently. Because in fact, the process of changing the skin for the better requires a relatively short time.