Saturday, August 4, 2018

I want my pimples to disappear

I want my pimples to disappear
I want my pimples to disappear
The exact cause of acne is not yet known, but there are various factors that are known to be associated with this disease:


Hormonal factors. One important factor that causes acne is increased production of the hormone testosterone, which is owned by the body of men and women. The testosterone hormone found in the body of men and women triggers the onset of acne by stimulating the oil glands (sebaceous gland) to produce excess skin oil (sebum).

An overactive oil gland

Descendants of parents

Bacteria in the skin pores

This is important to note because acne treatment also needs to pay attention to the factors above. Acne can recur if the above factors cannot be controlled properly.

What should be done to get rid of zits?

Diligently wash your face at least 2x a day with soap that does not produce much foam

Low fat and carbohydrate dietLive regular, healthy, 3x / week exercise for at least 30 minutes

H be stressed

Use enough cosmetics, avoid oil-based cosmetics (foundation, BB cream, pressed powder)

Avoid things that can spur oil glands: alcohol, spicy foods, cigarettes Avoid air pollution

Avoid squeeze pimples because they can aggravate eruptions

The condition of oily skin is a type of skin that is very risky to experience acne. In addition to the treatment it requires patience, also requires control of diet, habits of cleansing the face, controlling stress and so on

Acne treatment is based on reducing oil production, fighting bacterial infections, accelerating skin cell turnover and reducing inflammation. Most acne medications have not produced results in the first 4-6 weeks. The treatment given can include external medicine and also drinking medicines.

The drugs that can be used are retinoic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and topical antibiotics. For zits in the back area can use sulfur-containing lotions. In severe cases, it is usually necessary to add oral isotretinoin and oral antibiotics. All these drugs can cause irritation and other side effects, so their use must be under the supervision of a doctor.

Indeed, treatment requires a long period of time and patience. We recommend that doctors do not change over time because acne-prone skin handling does take a long time so it needs monitoring and patience. If you change doctors, then every new doctor will usually start treatment again. The complaint that you convey about the condition of your acne is a reasonable complaint that occurs in the treatment of acne.

Acne treatment varies depending on the severity of acne. We recommend that you visit a skin and genital specialist for an analysis of the factors that cause acne on your face