Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Staying Up Can Lead To Cholesterol
As workers we sometimes do work overtime in the evening. In order to achieve additional income we even willingly staying up until midnight. Although the next day we feel Achy body and eyes are busy. You who are fans of the ball was very familiar with the term staying up. Let alone celebratory moments of EURO 2012 is currently busy circulating ball fans around the world. Although the next day jobs to become dormant due to drowsy, but it was not there, but we are for staying up until midnight. On the other hand, most young people are willingly staying up until midnight while attending a birthday party, a celebration of the end of the year, and other activities-rah rah. But did you know that one of the risks of staying up can lead to cholesterol?
Glimpses of staying up are not directly related to cholesterol disease. But if we read an article about staying up can result in the following cholesterol you might think if you want to re-staying up.
The relationship staying up with cholesterol
Do you know if staying up really other than can interfere with your work the next day can also make you fat and high cholesterol? As long as we're staying up is definitely a variety of snacks and drinks such as pop-corn, beans, instant noodles, fried •brewing time, coffee soda cigarette even became friends complement the show staying up. You must be able to calculate how many calories you entered into your body isn't it?
A study revealed that 73% more seseporang are at risk of experiencing overweight if only sleep less than 4 hours. In addition people staying up could trigger an avid packed up to 900 calories per day. No wonder if you frequently staying up, then your weight loss will be increased by 1 kg per week. Try to imagine if you staying up to watch the ball UERO 2012 for 1 month, what will happen with your weight?
According to the doctor, when you're sleep-deprived, hormonal regulator of appetite will be produced in the body. Lack of sleep can stimulate the levels of ghrelin (a hormone that increases appetite) be increased, on the contrary the levels of leptin (the hormone that gives a signal that the body is already full) will decrease. This causes a person to eat too much when staying up. It gets worse again eaten is less nutritious snacks and contain a lot of cholesterol so that eventually the weight likely to be drastic.
In addition to the above, you need to know also that when the evening where people apparently took place therein Sahadeva the detoxification process toxins in the body. The body automatically clears itself of toxins in the bloodstream. However this process does not apply to those staying up. The organs of the body is not given the chance to clean himself so that the people who are staying up vulnerable going disease. One of which is cholesterol.
In the evening, cholesterol in the bloodstream should be neutralized by the liver. But due to staying up, then the heart is never an had to neutralize the cholesterol in the blood. As a result of cholesterol in the blood will accumulate and the blood becomes thicker. If allowed to continue it will happen the blockage. If blocked blood flow in the heart, the coronary heart disease will occur and if blocked blood flow in the brain the stroke occurs. Of course you don't want to experience it instead?
What if you were forced to staying up?
Sometimes we as employees told the boss to get the job done who have tight deadlines. This condition forces us to staying up until night. Occasionally You may make staying up in order overtime work of the Office. Even if it is urged to immediately resolved. How tips reduce the bad influence when staying up?
Before staying up, if your eyes are tired you should sleep in advance for approximately 1 hour. This will keep your mind fresh and fresh eye back.
Should you eat before staying up as energy. The consumption of vegetables and fruits containing a lot of vitamin C for maintaining endurance of the body. When you need to drink multivitamin.
Do not drink the health supplement keepers of stamina because it is less good for the health of the kidneys. Nor drink coffee because it can accelerate the performance of the heart, and if overtime work completed thus You become difficult to sleep.
Provide eating foods low in fat and white water that much.
Cycle your favorite music to ward off drowsiness.
We recommend You staying up no more than 5 minutes. because can disrupt health later in life.
Thus an article about staying up can lead to cholesterol. May we all shunned from disease cholesterol and other chronic diseases. Let us take care of the health of ourselves.
Tags: cholesterol
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