Tuesday, November 6, 2012
If Oranges Are Suitable For Diabetics?
Have you ever asked if orange is suitable for diabetics? Citrus fruits are the fresh fruit that is rich in vitamin c. in general this fruit tastes sweet, but there's also that tastes sour. Orange juice has many varieties.
Because it tastes sweet and fresh fruit is often used as the fruit looked out of hand when people are sick. Moreover, the sick are usually a bit condition of their "bitter" so that consuming oranges will restore the lost appetite. But what about for diabetics?
Tracing The Natural Sugar Content On Oranges
One average lemon contains 80 calories. The sweet taste of citrus fruits contain orange indicates that the natural sugars. In a medium-size, citrus fruits contain 19 grams of carbohydrates, of which 68% are its sugar. Natural sugar content on oranges consists of 3 types of sugar, i.e. sucrose, glucose, and fructose.
Glucose is a type of sugar that is most easily absorbed in the blood stream, so if taken then it will raise blood sugar levels quickly. In modern medium-size grapefruit, on average there are 3 grams of glucose.
Sucrose is a kind of combination between the sugars glucose and fructose. The citrus fruits, the content of sucrose is greater than with other types of sugar. In a single fruit Orange size medium average is 6.5 grams of sucrose. While fructose is sugar that is commonly found in fruits and honey. In a medium-size citrus fruits, there is 3.3 grams of fructose.
View the content of active substances In grapefruit and Orange Are suitable for Diabetics?
Based on research results, citrus fruits contain active substance called naringenin. Such substances antioxidants that provide a sense of bitter orange peel is useful in helping to maintain ideal body weight and helps the body to increase insulin sensitivity. These two things is an important factor for the treatment of diabetics. In addition, scientists are researching that naringenin could trigger fat burning which is buried in the heart. Naringenin work system similar to the lipid-lowering drugs are rosiglitazone and fenofibrate, which is usually used for the therapy of diabetes.
Based on the above discussion, it can be inferred that the orange juice for diabetics have an impact big enough benefits for the sugar content of citrus fruits is relatively low. Therefore please select the type of orange that has little sugar content. For example, lime and grapefruit. However you should still limit the consume. Avoid consuming citrus imports was also sweet because it has a fairly high sugar content. So, now your doubts regarding whether the Orange is suitable for diabetics, already missed it?
Tags: diabetes
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