Sunday, November 4, 2012
Some Foods Are Not Healthy For Your Hair, Avoid!
One way to make your hair stay healthy and look fresh is by consuming healthy and nutritious vegetables. Not just the nutrients to the hair but also your body hair, however, plays an important role in the development of the human personality of both men and women. That you do not mistakenly choose, learn about some of the food is not healthy for your hair, avoid!
Unhealthy foods will effect is great for the body and trigger mechanism of damage, dryness and cause hair loss. Indeed, with increasing age there are several factors that affect hair texture but with good care, we can still maintain healthy hair, begin by avoiding unhealthy foods to be consumed.
Some foods are not healthy for your hair, avoid! Then you will get the hair Sheen, fresh, bright and clean. Stop consuming junk food. No matter what type of food was Delish but does not contain the healthy nutrients for hair growth. These types of foods contain saturated fats that can increase the amount of oil production of the body causing the appearance of dandruff and hair loss.
Avoid consumption of alcoholic beverages, nicotin, caffeine and soft drink. Why? This type of food doesn't contain any nutrients that are useful to the body and even undermine the existing balance of nutrients in the body. Nutrition is very important and needed for better hair growth and alcohol consumption as well as the types of soft drinks and even lowers the nutrition and quality of your hair.
Avoid consumption of foods that could potentially lead to high cholesterol. This type of food will increase the levels of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in the body. DHT is the hormone production from the endocrine and if this increased hormone levels could destroy the follicles in the hair.
Do not consume too much salt. In addition to not healthy for the body's mechanism, salt is also not good for hair growth because of the high salt content could destroy the hair follicles. Use iodized salt for cooking purposes because iodine is also useful for healthy hair growth.
In addition to the above, there are types of food again some foods are not healthy for your hair, avoid! The food is a food containing artificial food flavour, dyes, spices, artificial sweeteners food and much more. In addition to unhealthy food, malnutrition has also been another factor causes of hair damage. So, pay attention to Your nutritional intake then the hair will be increasingly beautiful views.
Tags: hair
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