Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Good Fruit To Lower High Blood
High blood pressure is the most frightening thing for all people of the world. Many factors cause the blood pressure to be higher. One contributing factor, namely cholesterol. In most cases, people who have above normal levels of cholesterol will suffer from high blood pressure. This is because fat deposits are left in the artery wall from cholesterol in the body.
Sometimes people do not realize that the food in the consumption of fat. Moreover, the foods that are not healthy. To prevent high blood pressure, start now to change the patterns of unhealthy life become more healthy life patterns. Examples include avoiding food-fast food chains that typically contain a lot of fat nasty food-healthy foods such as vegetables and also fruits.
But if the person is already suffering high blood pressure, it can still be fixed in obati. Many of the means that could be used to lower high blood pressure. One way is to change the pattern of life become more healthy. Expand the consumption of healthy foods like fruits and vegetables as well. Here are some good fruit to lower high blood.
1. Watermelon
Watermelon fruit has a konsentari L-citrulline naturally quite high. When ingested, it convert to L-arginine. It is an amino acid that functions as a regulator of blood pressure.
2. Wine
The antioxidants in grape also known as polyphenols are extremely helpful in keeping cholesterol oxidized to accumulate in the arteries and block it. Grapes also contain nutrients called pterostilbene can reduce triglyceride levels and body with cholesterol enhances the ability of the enzyme to reduce fat levels in the blood stream.
3. Banana
Such fruits are very rich in potassium but almost completely without sodium. The average banana contains 500 milligrams of potassium but only around 1 milligrams sodium. Because potassium has the effect of lowering blood pressure when sodium has the effect of strengthening.
4. the cucumber
Cucumber fruit is a source of magnesium and potassium to help lower high blood pressure.
Tags: cholesterol
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