Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fruits To Avoid Gout Sufferers

Fruit to avoid gout sufferers should really look for the already alleged disease gout. Because, when you break them then the levels of any substance into the body it will go up drastically so pains in the joints can relapse immediately. So, it would be wise if people suffering from this disease to not try tasting food is believed to be the rising levels of the substance can trigger it. Then, what are some fruits that should be avoided by people affected by diseases of uric acid?

Avoid Eating Durian

Durian fruit flavours are indeed delicious. However, behind the deliciousness of the fruit durian also keeps side effects that may harm patients with gout. Durian, as fruit to avoid gout sufferers should be completely identified by uric acid patients because if excessive in consuming the fruit durian and dairy foods, then worry about your cholesterol levels in the blood will increase. As a result, there is a blockage in the blood vessels so that blood flow is not
smoothly. With the mandeknya of blood flow, the nutrients required by the body organs such as the kidneys are unable to do its job properly. In addition, the rise in cholesterol levels in the blood can also trigger other diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease. To that end, the durian fruit to avoid if you want to stay healthy and free of disease gout.

Avoid Eating The Nut And Pineapple

Gnetum gnemon fruit and dairy products such as chips are already very known to have high levels of it for the substance. Therefore, for patients with gout, consuming chips and nut was a big mistake because this could trigger rising levels of a substance in the blood of purin. With rising levels of purin is then the pain began to attack the joints in the feet and hands. While consuming pineapple fruit can also trigger the emergence of disease, rheumatism and gout. Does pineapple fruit tastes delicious, but be vigilant because in the digestion, pineapple fruit is about to change and undergo fermentation to produce alcohol. The production of alcohol in this digestion must be prevented because it can lead to disease gout. So, be wise in consuming fruits. There is a good fruit to prevent and treat the disease gout. However, there is also a fruit that can trigger the onset of the disease gout. So, everyone should know the fruit to avoid gout sufferers.