Friday, November 2, 2012
Bad breath and prevention
Bad breath (halitosis) is a general and universal problems that may cause embarrassment. The most common cause of bad breath is oral hygiene that are less awake and diseases of the gums. Breath odor occurs when certain aromatic chemicals dissolved in it. The plaque is a mixture of bacteria, food waste and dead cells that forms between the gums and teeth. The bacteria can cause a bad smell.
Many people find their breath smells bad when waking up in the morning. This is normal and occurs because of dry mouth overnight and the flow of saliva washes food particles are slowed down when we sleep. Food and alcohol can cause bad breath. Smoking can cause breath odor and reduce the flow of saliva that cause problems, it can also increase the risk of developing gum disease, which is one more cause of bad breath.
Bad breath or halitosis in medical terms, it is a foul-smelling breath or objectionable, which may be acute or chronic depending on the cause. Rather, the bacteria that thrive in warm and humid layer on the tongue that causes bad breath.
What causes bad breath?
The most common form of bad breath is bad breath in the morning, which is a temporary condition due to factors such as smoking, stress, dry mouth or starvation.
The consumption of some types of food and drink with a strong odour can cause bad breath, such as garlic, tobacco and alcohol.
Lack of dental hygiene, which can leave rotting food particles in the mouth.
Some medical conditions, such as sinus infections, tonsillitis, lung disease, kidney disease, menstruation, cancer, etc.
Some ways to lower the risk of getting bad breath are:
Brush your teeth regularly. Proper brushing brushing of the tongue, including the cheeks, and the palate, which will eliminate the bacteria and food particles.
Bad breath can also be prevented by drinking plenty of water each day to encourage saliva production.
Avoid a mouthwash that contains alcohol.
Prevention of bad breath could be done by controlling food and beverages to be consumed. The juice of fruits and vegetables can help in preventing bad breath, breath freshener, use mint, chewing gum and drinking green tea as well as yogurt can also help in preventing bad breath.
Tags: Tooth
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