Nowadays, many young couples that are deliberately delaying pregnancy for several reasons, such as for example: still want to enjoy the courtship period as husband and wife, still wants a career, financial reasons, etc. Typically, they use a safe way to prevent pregnancy when one of the spouses was ready, they could easily have children. What are the methods commonly used by young couples who want to postpone having children?
Calendar Systems
This method is the most widely practiced by young couples who want to delay pregnancy without having to undergo a serious risk. The calendar system, referred to as the natural way. On the way, a wife only needs to know the date he came last month. Shortly after the completion of the fertile time of the month is coming, and when the husband and wife couples want to do the conception, then it should be done outside or not do the relationship of husband and wife.
Though quite natural and can be made to anyone, but the calendar system weaknesses. When irregular menstruation cycle, then the potential for going pregnant will be very large. However, when the cycle comes in regular, usually successful calendar system.
Using A Condom
How to Safely Prevent the next Pregnancy is to use condoms. However, there are some couples especially women who are less comfortable when using it this way. Though it is likely to get pregnant could indeed be minimised, however there are also a number of cases where couples can still have children if it chose to.
Using Birth Control Pills
Birth control pills be used next Way to postpone pregnancy. There are some who say that birth control pills could make a woman unable to have children. However, it is not necessarily true. Of course before you consume certain types of birth control pills, married couples used to have to consult a doctor first.
Do Not Connect When The Fertile
The most minimal risk was not associated with the husband and wife during the infertile. Especially when the cycle comes in regular, then the wife should know when the fertile and non-fertile. This way is the most natural way of postponing pregnancy.
A lot of things we can do to prevent pregnancy. You can do this with natural ways or chose to use medicines such as pills or other contraceptives. However, before married couples decide how to Safely prevent pregnancy as what ways that has been written above, it's good when they consult a physician or midwife.
Monday, November 5, 2012
A Wide Variety Of Secure Ways To Prevent Pregnancy
Tags: Pregnancy
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