Sunday, November 4, 2012
Some Of The Habits That Lead To Osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is a disease/disorder that typically strikes the elderly. Osteoporosis is a disorder passed down through the genes and also caused due to wrong habits that cause osteoporosis. What are the habits that cause osteoporosis? It is generally in the form of a pattern of life and eating patterns. In this modern era we all know that everything is instant and practical. We don't need a lot of moves to do something, and this leads to laziness on the community. We tend to live a life pattern and the pattern of eating is wrong.
Sometimes what we do now is not direct impact, such as the causes of osteoporosis. The habit causes osteoporosis is not directly perceived but in a long period of time. Here are some habits that cause osteoporosis:
Lack Of Exercise
High mobility and the lack of spare time cause people are lazy to do sports. Don't do the sport does not cause any effect. Busy people prefer to sleep than exercise in their spare time. Precisely this is what will be dangerous. Bones and muscles need a synergy to always move in order for the bones to be strong and healthy. If the bones are kept in a State of silent monotonous then gradually will become porous. The less exercise will very easily affected by osteoporosis.
The wrong diet
Nowadays people tend to choose fast food over healthy food. In addition to serving food also tastes good practical so it could be eaten. But the fast-food has no nutritional and contain chemicals that are harmful as a flavor enhancer. Whereas vitamins and nutrients are needed by bone. Calcium and iron is important for bone health and rejuvenation.
Drinking pattern is wrong.
In addition to eating patterns are also harmful drinking patterns are fizzy drink consumption. In large cities may be more easily found than soda water. Fizzy drinks prices are cheap and delicious flavors lead to a society menggandrungi of drinks. Whereas fizzy drinks are harmful to bones. Soda can cause kekeroposan on meluruhkan of soda lime substance due to the bone.
Posture habits.
Habitual attitude is condition of the body when standing, sitting, and sleeping. Posture is often bent or bend will cause the bones to become porous and fragile bones. To try to always stand and sit down while strapping. While sleeping then endeavoured in positions straight.
Osteoporosis disease is very difficult to cure and can only be prevented. Although you do not have the disease of osteoporosis genes but need to keep-take care to prevent it. How to prevent osteoporosis is to avoid the habit of causing osteoporosis as we mentioned above.
Tags: Osteoporosis
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