Friday, November 9, 2012
How the wrong diet harm the body.
Everyone wants a body trim. Well that's because health conscious as well as for the beauty of the body. A wide range of diet do to get slim body that so many competing products or services offers a way to slim down quickly.
Because of the slim fast growing desires lead to fatal mistakes people make in the diet. How to diet is wrong not only ineffective but also harm the body and interfere with the performance of other organs.
Fatal flaws in the way the diet are:
1. Want quick results
Determine the target in dieting is not the wrong thing but an unreasonable target will be frustrating and ultimately taking shortcuts such as consuming certain drugs that are not necessarily improved. Go on a diet is actually a set diet and changing the foods that we consume into energy by burning body fat. Fat burning need time, because gemukpun needs time. No one suddenly become obese overnight. It is due to the daily diet is wrong so that it gradually becomes fat.
2. do not eat or eliminate meal schedule
A lot of people think when dieting by eating or even not eating at all will be mempercep the effects of diet. But it is absolutely not true, what happens is the body feel hungry until the next feeding time comes, the body will consume more of the servings usually because it feels that in the hours before the body is not getting food intake, as a result feel a hunger so should eat 2 servings at once because of the reduced rations to eat. Besides eliminating one of the meal schedule for example breakfast, will result in the body's metabolism slows down and the body as a result will store energy reserves
3. tempted to bid on slimming products without sport
Because of the need to trim more and more so that many products that offer pelangsinga instantly without sports. Indeed, obesity or overweight it happens because food intake is not worth the energy expended energy, leading to the buildup of food into fat in the body. The slimming drugs have not been tested for its truth and many cause any side effects.
Diet mistakes diet will cause to fail as well as harm to body. The risk that may occur if the errors are:
a. Brain Diet
Because it does not get enough nutrients intake and how the wrong diet, the brain can experience Brain Diet. Signs of the brain undergoes brain diet are:
Often Forget
Communication is not connected or not connected
Can not think properly
This will be experienced when the intake of nutrients and oxygen to the brain so that less performance to decline.
b. renal failure and liver failure
Slimming drugs are claimed to be able to lose the weight turns out to have dangerous effects for the body, kidney failure or liver failure. This is because these drugs are consumed in the long term and thereby affecting the chemical nature of the blood as well as making the work of the kidneys and liver to become heavier as a result could happen to kidney failure or liver failure.
c. the disease of psychology
The requirement to slim down can also affect both physical and mental. And when left will be dietary deviations for example: bulimia and anorexia
From here can be summed up into a trim by means of a proper diet will give you the right result anyway. But if your diet wrong way will harm the body. Wouldn't it be fun when doing a healthy diet as well as slim down.
Tags: diet
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