Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Papaya Fruit As Weight-Reducing

Are familiar names of papaya fruit in the ear. Yes, who is not familiar with the fruit of the papaya? The fruit has a myriad of benefits. Can be eaten without being in sports (only for the papaya fruit is ripe), can be made into juice, pudding, and processed into other dishes. In addition, papaya fruit is very easy to get and the price is also very affordable.

Papaya fruits grow on trees that are completely herbal. Why? because of the root end up with the tip of the leaves can be used in medicine. Papaya fruit is a fruit native to the tropical parts of the Americas. The scientific name is carica papaya. Originally in papaya plant in Mexico several centuries before the emergence of the Mesoamerican classic cultures. There are two types of papaya fruit varieties are preferred by people, i.e. Hawaii papaya and papaya in Mexico. Papaya fruit taste exactly with peaches and melons.

Papaya fruit is very rich in nutrients and contains vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, as well as potassium, folate, fiber, calcium, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, lutein, lycopene, zeaxhatin and digestive enzymes. The main benefits of papaya fruit, namely to digestives. Then what could the papaya used to lose weight? Yes, by eating the fruit of the papaya then digestion will be smooth, and all the rest of the food accumulated in the digestive tract becomes easy to cast. Because if the rest of the food was still piling up, then the distended stomach will look. That would make a person look fatter. In addition, it could be spared from some diseases, one of which is constipation. Very useful, isn't it? Only papaya fruits course, can someone also look healthy and lean.

Ripe papaya fruit is to be used as a special diet, not just edible. Many special preparations that can be made by using the main ingredients papaya. Here's a recipe to make papaya juice.

Materials needed:

Papaya fruit
Ice cubes

How to make:
Peel the papaya fruit, then wash using boiled water. After that, cut small.
Enter the papaya chunks into a blender, then add yogurt. Wait until it all becomes smooth.
After that, enter the honey to taste and mix it with a blender.
When done, pour into a glass and let the ice cubes to taste.