Friday, October 19, 2012

To Look Ageless

Age is just a number and look young is the behavior ...

Although the age we grow but we can look like a young child. Here are a few tips to look ageless:

Foods that must be observed to look younger naturally are:

To Look Ageless
To Look Ageless
Avocados – this is one of the best anti aging foods. The fruit is rich in vitamin E which is important maintaining skin health. Inflammation is a factor in aging and disease related.

Wine – red wine has a strong effect is resveratrol anti aging.
Watermelon – this fruit has an anti-inflammatory effect that relaxes blood vessels.

Spinach – this anti aging foods loaded with lutein which is an antioxidant that makes the skin healthier.

Garlic – heart protective effect it has in the body. This reduces the level of cholesterol and risk of heart disease.

Soybeans – anti aging foods may increase bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and heart disease.

Broccoli – these vegetables are a good source of sulforaphane that can prevent free radicals from out of the body from time to time. These chemicals enable the antioxidants the body and helps decrease the control cells.
Build and Maintain Muscle

Do regular massage-two-thirds of the weight of the human body consists of water. The water makes the muscles of humans as well as the skin supple and toned.

Eating healthy-eat a healthy diet and a balanced diet is also a sure way to stay young and healthy.

Relieve Stress

Recent studies have established a direct link between stress and aging. Increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol release results that cause the gene to constrict and bundle occurring aging process. We can slow down the aging process of some level of reduction of the inflammation by following some of the tips:

a) Avoid Sugar

Sugar is the # 1 pro-inflammatory foods and accelerate aging. Glikasi causes rapid aging throughout the body, including wrinkles and sagging skin, that damage our DNA.

b) water

Our bodies are 70% water, so it stands to reason that when the cells do not function optimally hydrated, it will slow down. That is why when we are not sufficiently hydrated we feel lethargic – cellular functions have been slowed down. When our cells slowed down, so did our metabolism so overweight. The water reduces inflammation and increases metabolism.

c) reduce stress

Telomeres are the caps at the ends of our chromosomes that protects our DNA. Every time our cells divide, the telomere us retracts, and it makes us more prone to ageing more quickly. Telomere us retracts faster with stress and sugar (see tip number one). This is why people who have experienced the stress of constantly tend to experience more rapid aging and ill health.