Tuesday, October 30, 2012
How Does Acupuncture Help Us Decrease Appetite
When heard that acupuncture may help reduce weight, maybe a question that comes up in our heads is how acupuncture helps us reduce the appetite. Acupuncture, which is a traditional Chinese treatment methods, has become a spotlight of many expert diet these last few years. Acupuncture has been shown to alleviate and cure a wide range of health problems, such as pain, nausea, stress, high blood pressure, addiction, and weight reduction. Acupuncture works by plunged a needle which function to restore balance in the body's energy flow or also called Chi.
Then How Acupuncture Helps Us Decrease Appetite?
Appetite is closely associated with weight gain, which it turns out is also related to hormonal imbalance, metabolism is not good, too much eating, poor nutritional intake and lack of work. When acupuncture is used for weight control, or is associated with weight loss, it is based on the core of the acupuncture method which function to restore the energy balance in the body. In addition to acupuncture is also used to control center of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the center of the brain that is responsible for regulating the homeostasis of the body and hormones and neurochemicals also regulate body temperature, heart rate, thirst and hunger. In terms of appetite regulation, acupuncture can serve as the controller of appetite, reduces the desire to eat, increases metabolism, improves the digestive system, regulates the hormones that are responsible for regulating obesity, and maximize the intake of nutrients. In addition, acupuncture also improves the performance of the function of lever to produce chemical substances that are extremely important for digestion, nutrient processing as well as the breakdown of fat.
Acupuncture Helps Us Decrease The Appetite Over The Ears
Many have assumed that acupuncture is effective for controlling weight performed in the ear. And this supposition is true, because there are four points of acupuncture points in the ear that is hungry, Shen point men, the point of the stomach, and endocrine points. Akupunturis use these points to reduce appetite by way of reducing the ' heat ' caused by four points. So how does acupuncture help us decrease appetite? That acupuncture stimulates the points related to appetite, by reducing a few things and add a function in some other things. Effectively, only serves to give acupuncture stimulation is good and not merely a way to reduce weight. So now it is clear already that acupuncture is indeed turns out to be able to help us reduce the appetite.
Tags: Acupuncture
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