Monday, October 22, 2012
Diabetes Causes High Uric Acid
Diabetes Causes High Uric Acid - The term gout certainly are familiar in your ears. However, previous did you know already about whether this is actually uric acid? Gout or uric acid is actually a result of compound substance purin in metabolic processes in our body. It is available in substance our bodies as much as 85% of that needed by the body. Therefore, we need to add more substance to it in our bodies as much as 15%. The addition of this substance to purin comes from food consumed each day.
However, often we do not pay attention to the food that we consume. So, in the end, we are consuming foods that may contain substances that are actually not required in our body. For example, we could simply consuming too much substance containing makana purin, though that needs to be added is just 15% of the total substance needs it. Food-foods such as organ meats, liver, brain, lungs, meat duck, sardines, and also corned beef, which is high in fat and protein, is the food with the content of the substances it is very high. The consumption of these foods on an ongoing basis, it will cause an excess of substance it in the body. This excess of matter it will result in increasing amounts of uric acid resulting from the metabolic processes of the body.
In fact, uric acid itself is needed by the body. However, it is certainly not excessive levels. For women, the levels of uric acid that is needed is between 1.5 and 6 mg/dL while for men is between 3 to 7 mg/dL. When the body's metabolic processes produce an amount in excess of that amount, then the rest of the excess uric acid will be disposed of by the body through the kidneys. However, in case of disorders of the kidneys so the disposal of excess uric acid will also be disrupted. Therefore, impaired kidney function can also cause high levels of uric acid in the blood.
However, in addition to the excessive consumption of substances as well as the purin malfunctioning kidneys, high levels of uric acid in the body can also be caused by diabetes. Is it so? How that could happen like that? You'll find the answer here.
Is It True That Diabetes Causes High Uric Acid?
Diabetes causes high uric acid, is it so? If that's your question, then the answer is absolutely. Diabetes and gout are actually closely related to one another and can provide an effect on others. Diabetes not only causes high uric acid, but it happens also could have been the opposite, namely a high uric acid as the cause of the disease of diabetes.
How The Mechanism So That The Diabetes Causes High Uric Acid?
The results of metabolic waste fat or familiar objects are referred to as ketone, will it grow in diabetics who cannot control his food properly. Increased levels of ketone bodies which then increases the levels of uric acid in the body. Because that is why the emerging theory that diabetes causes high uric acid. In addition, the condition applies instead, where high uric acid can cause diabetes. Based on research done in America, it is known that the risk of diabetes is higher in people with levels of uric acid that is not controlled.
Tags: uric acid
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