Now apparently already very widespread and it was no longer a sense of awkward on them, a social problem? Dunno ....;-)
Smoking and women |
Smoking and women? This has included all issues about gender, femininity, fetal health, breast cancer, uterine cancer, appearance, prestige, lifestyle, and also to the code of conduct. Tabunya female smoking is still a problem. Two important issues of women with smoking is starting with a health problem and ends with problems.
In health issues, a lot of news expose on various diseases caused by smoking habit.
Including coughs, lung cancer, cancer of the mouth, and so on. Smoking also raises the feeling of fear, trembling, wavering, Fitful, weaken the mind, reduce appetite, face and teeth, narrow your breathing, making humans lazy and weak, and others.
Every time we light a cigarette, then the heart rate increases, the heart's ability to carry oxygen is reduced,
HDL went down, and caused the activation of platelets (blood penggumpal cells). People often don't want to quit smoking because of the fear of fat because snacking as a substitute for smoking make weight gain.
However, they do not realize that the risk of heart disease due to smoking is equivalent to 100 pounds overweight.
Everyone who smokes, whether male or female, would they know the impact and dangers of smoking. But, why do people still maintain the bad habits? It was back again to each individual. Each individual has the choice and life is a choice. Women smokers are choosing to smoke as their lifestyle, with all the dangers and risks will be taken over by themselves.