Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Knowing The Dangers Of Mouthwase For Oral Health And Teeth

The dangers of Mouthwase for the health of the mouth and the teeth may not be realized by many. In the steps of cleaning the mouth and teeth, one tips is the gargle with an antiseptic or mouthwash. However, we have to examine the content of the mouthwash be used for gargling after you brush your teeth. This is because there are some ingredients in mouthwash anesthetic damaging the teeth and gums. The material in question is the alcohol content in the mouthwash. Lots of mouthwash products that have alcohol content of up to 26 percent. The content is pretty much for the size of mouth cleaning products. Indeed, alcohol has a role to maximize function of menthol, thymol, eucalyptol and in penetrating the outer layer of the teeth and remove plaque. Roughly, the alcohol content is not harmful. However, this can make the content of dry mouth due to eliminate a substance that acts to keep the mouth constantly wet and humid. So, a dry mouth can cause breath odor unpleasant and bad taste if gargled.

What's more the danger of Mouthwase for the health of the mouth and teeth?

In fact, the most recent research concluded that the increased risk of oral cancer is caused by the content of alcohol in mouthwash. In the study with the same issue stated that the content of ethanol in mouthwash can cause increased hazardous substances that have the ability to penetrate easily into around the mouth. In addition, acetaldehyde which are the toxins in alcohol can gather in the mouth. There is also a chemical called chlorohexidine gluconate. Chemical substances in the products of this mouthwash can cause stains on teeth. Actually this has played the chlorohexidine gluconate role to get rid of plaque and reducing bacteria. However, this substance affecting the poor cause of bad breath is foul and stains. What's more, if continuously used, stained teeth enamel can be tanned is caused by a chemical reaction.

How do I solve it?

Now the question is what we should avoid using mouthwash? While on the other hand we are also recommended to use it because its function is to remove plaque on teeth. Calm down, we can still use mouthwash with a note. When searching for mouthwash, we must select that does not contain alcohol. Usually we can figure it out by looking at whether there are labelled "alcohol free" or the like. If there is, then the mouthwash does not contain alcohol. The Mouthwash will have benefits that should have as it will not cause the mouth becomes dry as well as reducing the Brown stain on the teeth. That way, we can avoid the danger of mouthwase for the health of the mouth and teeth.

The Dangers Of Mouthwase For Oral Health And Teeth

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

As a man we must always maintain the health of our body in order to keep a normal every day. Our own body has the most important parts that we should keep such as hands, feet, heads and the most important is the heart. Useless if you have a whole section a healthy body but your heart is in trouble, that is the same as you have a car that looks good but won't start can not be used. Pathetic isn't it?

So to get a healthy body, the heart is the part that should not be forgotten and the most important thing that you need to pay attention to. Then how do I care for the heart? That is by doing sports Healthy Heart. You need to know, not all the sport that is definitely good for the heart. Yes, it all depends on the health of its people.

If you are already accustomed to the sport then any activity for you will surely nourish the heart including sports are a bit hard and competed like tennis or run. Well for patients with the heart symbol is thus prohibited because such as imposing a machine to work above the maximum limit that the machines eventually will be burned and damaged.

So what kind of sports which are not harmful to the heart but instead  healthy? There are some Heart-Healthy Exercise that can be done without not harm it (and don't be surprised if there is unique), namely:

1. Aerobic Exercise

This can make the body aerobics you always feels healthy and fresh. Aerobic movement program is very easy to follow and it also does not cause the fatigue drastically as it fled. Do aerobics slowly then approached normal so it will get your heart to join the workout.

2. weight training

Might you consider weight training is a tough sport but wait, due to the severity of these exercises depends on servings and it's duration. Yes, if you are doing weight training gradually without imposing ourselves then this sport can also nourish and strengthen your heart. Try weight training as simple as lifting the barbell with your hands for some time, surely you will feel your heart is so fresh. Don't forget before doing the weight training you must warm up first with some kind of aerobic exercise to loosen muscles.

3. clean house

Well now for you the most slothful house cleaning, this information would probably startle you. Based on research, clean-up this House belongs to one of the gentle sports are able to train your heart to be strong. If you don't believe it try to do activities such as sweep, MOP, mow the lawn, or clean up the page per day for one week only, for sure you will feel different things on your body, especially the heart.

4. Laugh

This may be the most Heart Healthy Exercise. How does this almost laugh, the activities people do each saw an occurrence that is funny or silly. Based on the research of Maryland Medical Center, found that people who watched the video funny and laugh, veins will be widened by 22% and make a contraction like doing aerobics. So if you're able to laugh for 15 minutes in a day, just as you do a very aerobic nourish your heart.

How Heart Healthy Exercise?

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How to Diagnose the high levels of uric acid is one of the important things that you must learn to avoid the disease gout. Basically, every human being has the levels of uric acid in the blood, with normal amounts between 4 to 7 for men and 3.6 to 6 for women. In order to have the levels of uric acid that are always balanced and normal, you have to keep your diet and your lifestyle. But this is a big problem when you are in the modern lifestyle that is likely to be unhealthy, such as staying up every night, eat foods that contain saturated fat and cholesterol, and consume alcohol.

Lifestyle and unhealthy eating patterns such as this affects your health is not good, where the levels of uric acid in your blood can go up. When uric acid levels exceeding normal limits you, then you will experience a disease gout, which although do not cause health effects are extreme, but it can be very annoying and painful. If you are currently living with diet and unhealthy lifestyle, it's good you diagnose how high levels of uric acid.

How to Diagnose High uric acid Levels by identifying the symptoms of Gout

There are at least two ways that you can do to know how to Diagnose the high levels of uric acid; checked the levels of uric acid in medical laboratories and analyze circumstances or your own health condition. When all along there is no disturbance of the joints (where you have an unhealthy lifestyle before), then you should check out the levels of uric acid in medical laboratories. From the results of the lab you can find out exactly how your levels of uric acid; When your levels of uric acid in the verge of the limit, then you should take some precautions in order not to suffer from gout. Another way to find out the levels of uric acid is to analyze your physical condition; If you frequently experience tingling and pain in the joints, then most likely your uric acid levels are high, because the pain and tingling is a typical symptom of gout. There are several symptoms of gout, which is a sign of uric acid levels were very high, i.e., swelling and pain in multiple joints.

How to Diagnose High uric acid Levels, and prevent the occurrence of uric acid

If you experience some of the symptoms of diseases of uric acid as above, then there are a few possibilities you have high levels of uric acid. In conditions like these, there are two important things you should do: changing lifestyles also your diet, and doing the handling or treatment to lower your uric acid levels. To treat gout, you saw a doctor to get medical treatment. Or if you have more faith in traditional medicine, you can perform the treatment at home. Traditional medicine here are drinking the decoction of bay leaf or black sticky rice, also consume soursop on a regular basis. In addition, we recommend that you saw a doctor or to a medical laboratory to learn exactly the levels of uric acid; However, the scientific method in medicine is the best way to know how to Diagnose the high levels of uric acid.

How to Diagnose the high levels of uric acid, to prevent Gout

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How to rub the Teeth may be the most simple questions and we may feel this question should be posed in children. Unfortunately, a lot of people who've grown could not brushing my teeth correctly and optimally. Brushing my teeth is the simplest treatments everyday. Brushing my teeth properly is the main way to prevent various health problems such as cavities, tartar etc. If we think the perfect teeth cleaning can only prevent problems around the mouth, then we are wrong because the cavities can impact on the health of internal organs. Be sure to rub the teeth properly as it will be useless if we discipline teeth cleaning but does not clean it up.

The correct way of brushing my teeth

Dentists recommend brushing my teeth for at least two minutes twice a day. Electric toothbrushes can be quite up in teeth cleaning because we can hold the toothbrush for a few seconds in one part of the tooth. However, if we know how to brush your teeth properly, then ordinary toothbrush will also be very effective. Be sure to brush your teeth with a horizontal-vertical movement and back and forth, we can also equip with a circular motion for maximum results. Each side of the teeth should be cleaned. Rub the outside of the, in, upper and lower teeth. Be sure to brush the gums and tongue as well. Brush the gums gently because bacteria can also develop in the gums. The tongue is the part that should not be forgotten. The tongue has a texture like a rug that can catch the rest of the food and drink, as well as bacteria.

Use the right Toothbrush

For maximum results, it is recommended to use an electric toothbrush, but using a regular toothbrush can also provide maximum results. Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles. Caution in choosing a toothbrush bristle because if it is too rough, eating bristle toothbrush can injure the gums. Tapered end is also highly recommended that toothbrushes can reach the backward gear. For maximum results, be sure to use a mouthwash and dental floss. Mouthwash will clean up any gaps that cannot be cleaned by a toothbrush and dental floss will clean teeth so there is no residual food or plaque in between teeth. Teach our children the correct way of brushing my teeth so they avoid various problems teeth and gums as early as possible. Observe the health of the mouth and teeth with the correct way of brushing my teeth.

How do I correct brushing my teeth?

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Many have asked how slimming the body with acupuncture. The technique of traditional medicine from China proved to be much too wrong said. Acupuncture is a treatment technique which uses needles, without surgery. Needle-needle acupuncture will be rapid thrusting into the body of a patient at certain points. In China, acupuncture treatment serves to launch an energy in the body and improving the function of metabolism. If acupuncture immediately associated with a quick method of slimming the body, of course it is less precise.

How Acupuncture Works

As written above, the acupuncture function to open the closed acupoints. The closed point led to an imbalance in the body. This imbalance makes it easier for the arrival of another disease. So acupuncture is responsible to restore the energy balance that ultimately facilitate the treatment process and return the original function of the metabolism of the body. Acupuncture does not immediately kill the cells or disease directly cure disease. So did with slimming body. Acupuncture does not work by burning fat and calories with pierced needles at various points on the body. Does acupuncture method is to reduce the patient's appetite, increase metabolism, and relax your body. This means the main function of acupuncture in the weight loss process is that it helps control hunger.

Acupuncture and slim body

Slim body obtained from healthy life patterns that run continuously. Slim body guarded by way of balancing the intake of sugar or carbohydrate with the burning of calories. If the calories are burned fewer of your intake of sugar and carbohydrates, the body will not trim. So if we want to get slim body, we must burn calories in the body to the input and output balance. Calorie burning, however, cannot be done with acupuncture. The acupuncturist does is help the patient to adapt when you start a new healthy lifestyle. Akupunturis will help the patient not to feel dizziness and decreased blood sugar even though these patients reduces the intake of sugar and carbohydrates. In addition, akupunturis will improve the function of the lever due to the burning of a lot happens in the lever. Akupunturis will maximize the function lever so that the combustion of carbohydrates will occur with the maximum.

There is no instant when we want to lose weight. Weight loss requires effort and commitment to have a healthy lifestyle. So how do slimming body with acupuncture? Work out regularly, eat low calorie food and sugar, and acupuncture will help us adapt to new patterns and to improve the functionality level for burning calories.

How Slimming The Body With Acupuncture

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When heard that acupuncture may help reduce weight, maybe a question that comes up in our heads is how acupuncture helps us reduce the appetite. Acupuncture, which is a traditional Chinese treatment methods, has become a spotlight of many expert diet these last few years. Acupuncture has been shown to alleviate and cure a wide range of health problems, such as pain, nausea, stress, high blood pressure, addiction, and weight reduction. Acupuncture works by plunged a needle which function to restore balance in the body's energy flow or also called Chi.

Then How Acupuncture Helps Us Decrease Appetite?

Appetite is closely associated with weight gain, which it turns out is also related to hormonal imbalance, metabolism is not good, too much eating, poor nutritional intake and lack of work. When acupuncture is used for weight control, or is associated with weight loss, it is based on the core of the acupuncture method which function to restore the energy balance in the body. In addition to acupuncture is also used to control center of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the center of the brain that is responsible for regulating the homeostasis of the body and hormones and neurochemicals also regulate body temperature, heart rate, thirst and hunger. In terms of appetite regulation, acupuncture can serve as the controller of appetite, reduces the desire to eat, increases metabolism, improves the digestive system, regulates the hormones that are responsible for regulating obesity, and maximize the intake of nutrients. In addition, acupuncture also improves the performance of the function of lever to produce chemical substances that are extremely important for digestion, nutrient processing as well as the breakdown of fat.

Acupuncture Helps Us Decrease The Appetite Over The Ears

Many have assumed that acupuncture is effective for controlling weight performed in the ear. And this supposition is true, because there are four points of acupuncture points in the ear that is hungry, Shen point men, the point of the stomach, and endocrine points. Akupunturis use these points to reduce appetite by way of reducing the ' heat ' caused by four points. So how does acupuncture help us decrease appetite? That acupuncture stimulates the points related to appetite, by reducing a few things and add a function in some other things. Effectively, only serves to give acupuncture stimulation is good and not merely a way to reduce weight. So now it is clear already that acupuncture is indeed turns out to be able to help us reduce the appetite.

How Does Acupuncture Help Us Decrease Appetite

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A lot of people are asking Questions as to how there could be a Skinny Body phenomenon high cholesterol cholesterol is a fat body and normal. There are several reasons an incident like that is especially associated with the contributing factors that contribute to a person's cholesterol levels.

The Main Cause Of Rising Cholesterol Levels

There are two main causes of increased cholesterol in our blood. The first is a factor that cannot be changed, such as age, i.e. common with increasing age, cholesterol levels are naturally higher. In addition, the gender factor is also one of the factors that cannot be changed. Generally women have a high risk for high cholesterol when exposed to menopausal because during this period the levels of LDL cholesterol in the body tends to rise.

The second factor is the factor that can be changed or avoided. In General, the factors in question are the unhealthy patterns, like the lead irregular eating patterns and is accompanied by a lack of physical activity is done with the habit of smoking.

Although food only accounts for 20% of total cholesterol levels in the blood while the rest are 80% is formed by the body itself but if the consumption of foods high berkolesterol continuously will be destructive. The main source of cholesterol in foods such as meat, poultry, organ meats, and milk and dairy products. The plant can also produce cholesterol but generally is a very slight amount. Some plants are able to produce similar compounds called phytosterols, cholesterol is believed to be thus able to help lower your cholesterol levels, an evil that LDL in the blood. Can this phytosterol found in nuts and flax seed oil.

Skinny Bodies High Cholesterol – Could It Be?

He said it is possible someone bodied skinny but has a cholesterol level in the blood is high. It is a given that obesity is not a major cause of someone containing high cholesterol. A thinner may experience excess cholesterol when he has entered a period of insecurity and have a habit of consuming foods that can increase the production of cholesterol in the body.

However, according to the latest research results, there is a fact which shows that often in case of obesity or overweight is accompanied or followed by an increase in cholesterol. Although the mechanism of the relationship that exists has yet to be presented in a clear, an attempt to lose weight significantly influential in generally lowering the cholesterol level in the blood. Skinny bodies high cholesterol is not a phenomenon which frequently occurs but by no means impossible.

Skinny Body Of High Cholesterol

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Thursday, October 25, 2012


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Easy Diet is usually identified with a diet that does not require much effort, no need to hold a lot of appetite, and needless to

confused set of food what and how much food that may come into our stomach. So is it true that if a diet that can be done easily it is there? If you want to go on a diet with a convenient method, the main requirement is that you have to know that when someone does, it must do the diet with a vengeance. Not only regulates eating patterns or reduce feeding, but also set the pattern of life. For example, if you go on a diet and have reduced your food intake, no longer eat food – fast food or high fat-containing, but you still like to drink coffee, sleeping late, and heightens the hours eating snacks, then certainly it will make your body weight increases.

The rules in an easy and Healthy Diet

Here are a few rules that you must do if you want to get optimal results in doing the diet.

First, reduce the portion of your meal, especially the intake of carbohydrates. In the morning, as much as possible you don't consume carbs, you can eat biscuits or bread selapis jam with juice. For lunch, you've allowed to consume a large meal. But remember, keep it at a reasonable portion.
Then, for dinner you are also advised not to eat up to seven hours. In other words, after seven hours of the night, all your food consumption activities must be stopped.
In addition, if you are one of the lovers of snacks, beverages, and endeavoured to reduce rations, or stop it immediately or, if this is not possible, you can replace your snacks with fruits.
Lastly, all these efforts will be more effective if you also do regular sport. No need to carry heavy sport, simply you do crunches every waking and before going to bed. Or it could be to go jogging every morning after waking up; before you head to the Office. Thus you can get two benefits: your weight can go down and your health will continue to be prime.
Easy Diet Is

Therefore, the diet not only means reducing food rations, proper diet also means set the pattern of life for more discipline. In addition, arrange a better intentions will also ease the process of the diet itself. So, do all the process not only to reduce weight but also to improve the quality of your health and your life. Then in the end you can later say there was indeed some kind of diet is easy.

Easy Diet

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Nutrition of pregnant women is closely related to food consumption during pregnancy. In this highlight is the food provides essential substances needed by the growth of the body. Basically a pregnancy occurs during the nine months. In the world of health, known as the three pregnancy trimester, namely the time pregnant for nine months, which was later divided into three periods: the period of 1st trimester pregnancy (0 to 12 weeks), pregnancy 2nd trimester (13 to 27 weeks), and 3rd trimester (28 to 40 weeks). Does pregnancy trimester three it is important to look for? To safeguard fetal development and the availability of nutrients for the mother and the fetus you need to pay attention to the nutritional intake and the kinds of food that need to be avoided by pregnant women on the three trimester of pregnancy that need special attention, which will be discussed in this article.

Nutrition of pregnant women and the food needs to be avoided in 1st Trimester

The first Trimester is an early stage where the growth and the formation of the fetus begins. At this time the fetus requires a lot of nutrients to it advisable for pregnant women to consume convenience foods are healthy and avoiding unhealthy foods in earnest. In this case the food must be consumed the capital are foods that contain protein such as milk and foods that contain folic acid such as green vegetables, fruits, and seeds. Folic acid in the first trimester is very good for the growth of the fetal brain. While the food that needs to be avoided are the foods that contain a lot of preservatives and unhealthy fats such as junk food, instant food and drinks that contain artificial sweeteners.

Nutrition of pregnant women and the food needs to be avoided in 2nd Trimester

The second trimester is an important thing to do is keep expectant mothers weight balance and trying to keep consuming healthy food. In this case pregnant women should hold evaluation of patterns so. To facilitate the evaluation process you can do checklist based on the following criteria: do you keep the nutrition of pregnant women in a balanced way and complete? do you consume in adequate amounts of protein, 60 grams per day, have you reduce or even avoid high consumption of fatty foods, sugar, and salt due to the excess of these foods can be detrimental to the growth of the fetus. Are you already consume fruits and green vegetables as much as 7 servings? Do you also have to avoid foods containing preservatives such as instant and eat junk food?

Nutrition of pregnant women and the food needs to be avoided in 3rd Trimester

In the last trimester, mothers should keep eating patterns to match the weight of the fetus. If it is believed the fetus reaches adequate weight, little by little by slowly the mother should restrict the intake of his nutritional needs. This is important because in this last trimester fetal growth reach the fastest from the previous trimester. The intake of nutrients that must be reduced carbohydrate intake because the mother is able to gain weight and then the mother would be hard to bear. Pregnant at the time, the mother will tend to feel hungry fast, yet keep the weight is pending. To support this process, it is recommended on pregnant women to drink plenty of plain water, i.e. at least 8 glasses per day. In addition the mother should also keep calcium consumption expanded by as much as 1000 milligrams per day to maintain good health and strength of the bones of the fetus.

This article provides insights that are important in maintaining the nutritional intake for pregnant women and fetal at trimester three pregnancies. If you need guidance on some foods that must be continuously consumed, reduced, or foods that should be avoided while pregnant you can remember the important points of the nutrition of pregnant women in this article.

Nutrition Of Pregnant Women

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Diseases of uric acid is the common health problems that many experienced by those who are 60 years and above. High levels of uric acid is a health condition as a result of a buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints – crystals of uric acid is formed due to the high levels of the protein purin. Disease of gout is characterized by several symptoms, such as swelling of the joints – this swelling is usually accompanied with pain in joints. On some of the more severe cases, uric acid can cause a sense of heat, tingling, and some of the more severe health problems such as kidney failure.

Gout generally suffered by those aged 13 to 75 years and above – and in some cases, gout attack children. For the elderly, symptoms caused by uric acid can be very excruciating, because it could be more severe symptoms than patients with a young age. Currently, there are several types of treatment that can be done to combat uric acid on them are elderly. The treatment is divided into two; the treatment is medically and traditional ways or natural.

Cope with Gout In the elderly with medical drugs

The first way to combat uric acid In Elderly is a medical way, namely with drugs – even by way of operation, although this is rarely recommended by doctors. To get medically treatment, sufferers have two options; i.e., consult a doctor to get a prescription medication, or directly buying the drug at the pharmacy or the gout drug store.

There are several types of medications effective gout, and one of them is a Non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory Drugs or anti swelling on uric acid. This medication is recommended for those who experience pain in the joints, as a result of uric acid. Corticosteroids are medications other uric acid, which can be consumed or injected into the body through a syringe. Colchicines uric acid is a medicine for those suffering from the advanced stages of gout drug is famous for having a harsh effects. However, for results that are more safe and effective, we recommend that you consult on gout sufferer the doctors rather than buying drugs uric acid available in the market.

Treatment of Gout in the Elderly in the traditional way

For those who are experiencing the early stages of gout, which is characterized by symptoms that do not arise often, traditional medicine is the best choice. In addition, traditional medicine is also recommended for those who do not want to experience the side effects of medical drugs such as caused by above. One of the traditional treatment that effectively is by means of purin protein diet; in this diet, we recommend the patient to reduce the consumption of foods that contain high protein purin like spinach, fish and alcohol.

In addition to diet, traditional medicine can also be done with drinking water boiled red rice and water decoction of bay leaf. In addition, soursop juice can also be so natural gout remedy. In addition to the diet, and some processed natural ingredients above, change the lifestyle into a healthy lifestyle is a way of overcoming the uric acid In Elderly are most effective.

Gout in the Elderly, and some of the ways to solve it

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Monday, October 22, 2012

The Consumption Of Vitamin B12 Causes High Uric Acid ? - The consumption of vitamin B12 cause uric acid high, is it so? You are fond of taking vitamin B12 would feel worried by this statement. Before you find out more about this, it's good we both knew in advance what is vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 or commonly referred to as kobalamin is one of the eight B vitamins. the structure of vitamin B12 is the most complex among the seven other B vitamins. In addition, vitamin B12 complex also contains the rare element cobalt in biochemistry. Vitamin B12 is water soluble. The process of absorption of vitamin B12 occurs in the gut and absorbed vitamin B12 after this will be transported in the bloodstream throughout the body. Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the metabolic processes of the body, especially in the metabolism of protein and fat. In addition, the presence of vitamin B12 in the body is also helpful in preventing iron deficiency which is closely associated in assisting the formation of blood. Not only that, vitamin B12 also plays an important role in order for the brain and the nervous system, we are able to function normally. See so the importance of vitamin B12, deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause some serious problems on the body. For example, the nervous system does not function normally so eventually meneyababkan some part of the body numbness to paralysis which can then leads to diseases like diabetes and strokes.

Then How Can The Consumption Of Vitamin B12 Causes High Uric Acid?

See how important vitamin B12 for our bodies, then surely you will wonder themselves. How can the consumption of vitamin b12 causes high uric acid? Aren't vitamin B12 is a vitamin that is vital for the body?

Yes, vitamin B12 is very important for our bodies and when we lack this vitamin is then most likely a variety of ailments related to the brain and nervous system will attack us. However, occasionally found cases of excess vitamin B12. In which case it is generally caused by excessive consumption of supplements derived from consumption of energy drinks containing excessive kobalamin or intramuscular injection on the body. However, excess vitamin B12 will not be affecting your body. The body's metabolic process will not be disturbed just because the excess consumption of vitamin B12 because of excess vitamins will generally be directly disposed of by the body through the urine. However, it's good to keep keep vitamin B12 you consume not excessive so that there are no vitamins is wasted by your body.

So Is It True That The Consumption Of Vitamin B12 Causes High Uric Acid?

When you ask about the truth will consume vitamin B12 causes high uric acid, then of course that's not true. Thus, the presence of vitamin B12 helps the metabolism of protein and fat in the food you consume. However, because often this uric acid disease suffered by those who are aged, then generally the ability to absorb vitamin B12 to be disturbed. This is because, in people over the age of 50 years, the production of stomach acid, which is used to assimilate vitamin B12 dropping, so that vitamin B12 absorption becomes low. Because that then arise regarding the mistaken consumption of vitamin B12 that may cause high levels of uric acid in the blood.

The Consumption Of Vitamin B12 Causes High Uric Acid?

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The Disease Causes High Blood Uric Acid - Uric acid is a compound that is produced by metabolic processes in the body. This compound is produced by metabolic processes it for the substance that comes from the food we eat. In the current conditions of uric acid is too much or too little in the body can be led to the disease. For conditions where uric acid in the body too much, diseases arising is a disease gout. This disease would have often you hear. However, did you know that in fact disease, uric acid is not familiar to you is actually not only caused by high purin substances you consume, but also due to some diseases related to blood. This is due to an abnormal condition in the body can lead to other complications associated with high levels of uric acid in the blood. Here's some blood disease causes high uric acid.

The disease Causes High uric acid Blood # 1: Polistemia Vera

The disease causes high uric acid blood the first is Polistemia Vera or PV. Polistemia Vera disease is caused by a genetic abnormality in which the condition that occurs is not terkontrolnya the growth of red blood cells in the body. The growth of red blood cells in the body that uncontrolled due to the lack of a gene that can stop the growth of red blood cells in the body of the sufferer. As a result, the red blood cells continue to grow and develop.

If the red blood cell growth increasingly uncontrollable, ultimately there will be blood clotting. This will make blood clotting of blood flows and ultimately difficult to clog blood vessels. Blockage of blood vessels can culminate in stroke when blood lines that lead to the brain. Not only stroke, blood clotting may also cause other problems such as lung problems and cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks.

The increased red blood cells due to Polistemia Vera can also lead to organ dilated spleen. This is because the spleen organ must work harder than usual due to the increased amount of blood should be filtered by this organ. Enlargement of the spleen is an organ when it is not under control will require the removal of an organ from the body.

In addition to some of the problems are already described above, of course Polistemia Vera can cause complications to the levels of uric acid. This is because the Polistemia Vera, increased blood cell levels in uncontrolled amounts. It was followed by an increase in the amount of uric acid in the blood. Finally, the levels of uric acid in the body is increased.

The disease Causes High uric acid Blood # 2: leukemia cells

Same as previous diseases, diseases of the blood causes uric acid high times is also caused by pertumbahan blood cell uncontrolled. Leukemia is cancer of the white blood cells. The presence of cancer of the white blood cells was then would make the production of white blood cells which are not controlled. The same as the previous panyakit, not terkontrolnya the growth of white blood cells can also cause enlargement of the spleen so that certain conditions need to be performed on the appointment of the spleen. In addition, uric acid in the blood also increases in patients with leukemia, the same as in the previous cases of illness.

The Disease Causes High Blood Uric Acid

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Cancer Drugs Cause High Uric Acid - Diseases of uric acid. It would have been very familiar in your ear isn't it? Surely you have very often heard of uric acid disease commonly suffered by these old people. But, do you know what are the causes of this disease? Did you know that diseases of uric acid caused by so many things? Did you know that diseases of uric acid is not only caused by the food that we consume, but can also be caused by the presence of blood diseases, impaired kidney function and diabetes? Did you know that turns drugs cancer causes high uric acid?

As we know, the high levels of uric acid, it can be caused by high purin substances we consume. It is an astringent substances contained in the food we eat everyday. The results of the metabolism of the substance in the body that it would then form uric acid compounds. Uric acid compounds, if simply applied too high then it will amass and accumulate in joints. A buildup of uric acid compounds is caused by the inability of the kidneys to remove excess uric acid compounds in the body. As a result of the collection and a buildup of uric acid in compound joints, swelling of the joints. The swelling is accompanied by the onset of pain in joints. This condition is called the disease of gout.

However, the high levels of uric acid in the body is not only due to consuming too many foods that contain it. It turns out the blood diseases that are associated with diseases of the spinal cord can also cause complications in the form of increased levels of uric acid. Blood diseases that cause high levels of uric acid in the blood is primarily concerned with the nature of the disease, blood cells continue to increase and grow uncontrollably.

In addition, impaired kidney function and diabetes can also affect the levels of uric acid in the body. The second cause is actually also have a reciprocal effect, where at times the levels of uric acid in the blood is high, then the likelihood of the occurrence of kidney disease as well as diabetes will also increase. So, for those who have suffered from a kidney disorder or diabetes, ought to be wary when developing gout. In contrast, for those patients with diseases of uric acid should be wary of the risk exposed to kidney disease or diabetes.

In addition, it turns out the drugs cancer causes uric acid high. What a horrible disease gout is not it? It turns out the horrors inflicted not only until the causes of the above. Turns out, there was more cause for the incidence of the disease gout, namely medicines for cancer.

How could Drugs cancer causes High uric acid?

Cancer drugs cause gout is high, is it so? You may not see the relationship that causes uric acid causes cancer drugs high. In fact, it is indeed true. This is because cancer drugs are medicines that would be very difficult for a body is screened by consumption. As a result, the consumption of drugs in cancer, especially for long periods of time can work bogging down the kidneys. The longer and longer, the performance of the kidneys will decrease, so that the ability to "throw" the excess uric acid will come down. As a result, of course, can already guess. Uric acid in the body is increased and if left will culminate in disease gout.

Cancer Drugs Cause High Uric Acid

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Purin-Rich Foods Cause High Uric Acid - Ever heard about it for the substance? Probably not many know about the existence of these substances. Some of you may not realize that it is actually a substance so close to you. Yes, because the substances it is contained in the foods that you consume on a daily basis. The presence of the substances it also is closely associated with gout. Now if uric acid would have been very familiar in your ear isn't it? Surely you have very often heard of uric acid disease commonly suffered by people who are already aged. Then what is the link between these two substances and compounds? Whether it's what substance causes disease gout? Do it for the rich foods causes high uric acid? You'll find the answer here.

Purin-Rich Foods Cause Uric Acid High, Really?

As we know, it is the substances contained in the food. The results of the metabolism of the substance in the body that it would then form uric acid compounds. This uric acid compounds, if too much is contained within the body, will gather and accumulate in joints. The collection and the buildup is caused by the inability of the kidneys to remove excess uric acid compounds in the body. As a result of the collection and a buildup of uric acid in compound joints, swelling of the joints. The swelling is accompanied by the onset of pain in joints. This condition is called the disease of gout.

Based on an illustration that has been explained earlier, surely it can be known that foods rich in purin causes uric acid high because more and more of it for the substances we consume, then the uric acid formed will also be more and more. As a result, the levels of uric acid in the blood would be higher. In normal conditions, uric acid levels for women ranged from 2.4 to 6 mg/dL for men ranged from 3.0 up to 7 mg/dL. To maintain the normal condition, then the consumption of the substances it can you consume ranging between 600 to 1000 mg of it every day. When you consume more than the recommended amount, then the levels of uric acid in your blood will increase and if it continues, then it is likely to suffer from diseases of uric acid will be even greater.

In it for the rich foods Cause uric acid high, then what to do?

Purin-rich foods cause uric acid high, you already know about it. Then step what should you do next? Of course, to avoid the high levels of uric acid in your body, you must reduce the consumption of foods that contain it. Here are some of the types of foods that contain it.

Liver, kidney, organ meats, heart, brain, lungs, meat duck, sardines, mussels, and broth or gravy is thick. These types of foods contain high purin, i.e. between 100-1000 mg/100 g, therefore it should be avoided.
Beef, fish and chicken, tempe, tofu, shrimp, spinach, kangkung, cassava leaves, asparagus, and nut. These types of foods containing it are, namely between 9-100 mg/100 g, therefore we recommend that konsumsinya be restricted so as not to overload.

Purin-Rich Foods Cause High Uric Acid

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Impaired Renal Function Causes High Uric Acid - You must have been very familiar with the term gout. But You see what this is actually uric acid? Gout or uric acid is a compound that is produced from the metabolic processes of the body, exactly the metabolism of substances purin comes from the food we eat.

It is actually a substance already provided on the in our body. The amount that can be provided by our body is of 85%. Therefore, the amount of a substance that needs to be added it was as much as 15% only. Penamabhan is derived from the food that we consume everyday. However, often we hit an average of all the food that we consume these foods without noticing that may contain substances that are not required in our body. Food-food that is high in fat and protein, such as organ meats, liver, brain, lungs, meat duck, sardines, and also corned beef is a food substance it contains is very high. When the food-the food is constantly being consumed, it will cause more purin substances we consume. As a result of course will be related to metabolic processes.

The higher the purin substances consumed, then the uric acid resulting from the body's metabolic processes will also be increased. In fact, uric acid will be disposed of by the body through the kidneys. However, could you imagine if there is a failure of your kidneys, then how does the process of disposal of excess uric acid from the body? Can uric acid is thrown with such conditions? Then, whether it means a disruption of kidney function causes high uric acid?If you want to know more about the link between the two, you'll find the answer here.

Is It True That Impaired Kidney Function Causes High Uric Acid?

The levels of uric acid that is required by the body are different for women and men. For women, the levels of uric acid was needed ranged from 2.4 to 6 mg/dL. As for men, uric acid levels needed ranged from 3.0 up to 7 mg/dL. Given that the kidney is responsible for disposing of "trash" from within our bodies, then the rest of the uric acid that exceed the amount needed by the body would be removed by the kidneys. However, when there is disturbance of kidney function, for example, as a result of the use of diuretic medications or due to genetic factors, and the ability of the kidneys in disposing of excess uric acid will be reduced. As a result, there was a buildup of uric acid in various tissues of the body, for example the joint. A buildup of uric acid which then would cause pain and swelling in certain parts. This condition often we sebug with diseases of uric acid. Therefore, it is absolutely right in saying that kidney function causes uric acid high.

Yes, Impaired Kidney Function Causes Uric Acid High! Then what to do?

Impaired renal function causes high uric acid, you surely already know to be so. To that end, to avoid gout, then already you should be taking care of You body, especially the kidney you have. We recommend that you reduce your food with high levels of it too, so it doesn't add to the workload of the kidney. In addition, avoid consumption of medicines that also can damage kidneys, for example, a painkiller. Prolonged consumption of such drugs and without the supervision of a doctor of course can lead to impaired kidney function, therefore it is best avoided.

Impaired Renal Function Causes High Uric Acid

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Diabetes Causes High Uric Acid - The term gout certainly are familiar in your ears. However, previous did you know already about whether this is actually uric acid? Gout or uric acid is actually a result of compound substance purin in metabolic processes in our body. It is available in substance our bodies as much as 85% of that needed by the body. Therefore, we need to add more substance to it in our bodies as much as 15%. The addition of this substance to purin comes from food consumed each day.

However, often we do not pay attention to the food that we consume. So, in the end, we are consuming foods that may contain substances that are actually not required in our body. For example, we could simply consuming too much substance containing makana purin, though that needs to be added is just 15% of the total substance needs it. Food-foods such as organ meats, liver, brain, lungs, meat duck, sardines, and also corned beef, which is high in fat and protein, is the food with the content of the substances it is very high. The consumption of these foods on an ongoing basis, it will cause an excess of substance it in the body. This excess of matter it will result in increasing amounts of uric acid resulting from the metabolic processes of the body.

In fact, uric acid itself is needed by the body. However, it is certainly not excessive levels. For women, the levels of uric acid that is needed is between 1.5 and 6 mg/dL while for men is between 3 to 7 mg/dL. When the body's metabolic processes produce an amount in excess of that amount, then the rest of the excess uric acid will be disposed of by the body through the kidneys. However, in case of disorders of the kidneys so the disposal of excess uric acid will also be disrupted. Therefore, impaired kidney function can also cause high levels of uric acid in the blood.

However, in addition to the excessive consumption of substances as well as the purin malfunctioning kidneys, high levels of uric acid in the body can also be caused by diabetes. Is it so? How that could happen like that? You'll find the answer here.

Is It True That Diabetes Causes High Uric Acid?

Diabetes causes high uric acid, is it so? If that's your question, then the answer is absolutely. Diabetes and gout are actually closely related to one another and can provide an effect on others. Diabetes not only causes high uric acid, but it happens also could have been the opposite, namely a high uric acid as the cause of the disease of diabetes.

How The Mechanism So That The Diabetes Causes High Uric Acid?

The results of metabolic waste fat or familiar objects are referred to as ketone, will it grow in diabetics who cannot control his food properly. Increased levels of ketone bodies which then increases the levels of uric acid in the body. Because that is why the emerging theory that diabetes causes high uric acid. In addition, the condition applies instead, where high uric acid can cause diabetes. Based on research done in America, it is known that the risk of diabetes is higher in people with levels of uric acid that is not controlled.

Diabetes Causes High Uric Acid

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

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Friday, October 19, 2012

Basically, children is the secret of God. However as humans of course we should not despair and had to keep trying to get the offspring. The problems that often arise when this is an awful lot of found a good pair one or two turned out to be less fertile. This could be due to less fertile production of hormones which do not comply with the requirements if it is to have the quality of the egg and sperm are nice, or not even produced the egg and sperm at all.

Increase Fertility Through Acupuncture

Methods of increasing fertility through acupuncture many suggested by the obstetrician and also many people who have felt its benefits. Acupuncture can go straight to the problems occurred, while other therapies are sometimes just a stimulant. Points on the meridians of the body which are closely related to the increase in fertility will diterapi so that more couples day conditions will be better in terms of fertility. But once again that children are God's secret, sometimes even in the fertile couples also have yet to get the offspring even though not found in other disorders in the body, for example because there are cysts or interference on the channel cell eggs.

How To Increase Fertility Through Acupuncture

Acupuncture techniques to increase fertility is increasingly sought after. One thing which especially is because side effects are felt also very small in fact does not exist. Hormone therapy has side effects that are quite disturbing for some people, such as the appearance of inflamed acne well in advance and on the back which are certainly very disturbing.

In addition, the more pronounced is the change in the menstrual cycle. For women might be found do not get my period within two months if after verified not pregnant, then the use of supplements or drugs of any kind should be stopped because it can be dangerous if the dirty blood does not come out on a regular basis. Unlike acupuncture that does not give effect like this, because it's acupuncture therapy to improve the fertility of it worth a try.

Methods Of Increasing Fertility Through Acupuncture

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Pair with a healthy body condition is normal and there is no interruption in his body, will probably soon be pregnant and get a descent in the first year of their marriage, but those who until the third year of his marriage did not have children, may begin to think about to do a specific therapy-therapy to increase the occurrence of pregnancy.

Is It Possible To Have A Child By Using The Techniques Of Acupuncture?

In addition to acupuncture, indeed many other therapies that can be tried to do to be able to have children. On hormone therapy, either the husband or the wife will be spurred with supplements that can promote the formation of hormones that support the pregnancy.

In addition to hormone therapy, also known as therapeutic massage for couples who experience disruption in the channel either sperm or egg cell channels. Some grown man found happening blockage in channel of sperm cells so that sperm can't get out and into the uterus. Acupuncture therapy will help launch the channels are clogged on either the husband or the wife.

Therapeutic Method Of Having Children By Using The Techniques Of Acupuncture

Acupuncture on certain parts will be able to improve blood flow to the ovaries, so it would thicken the lining of the uterus. Uterine walls thicker this would allow the occurrence of pregnancy. In addition, acupuncture will help stimulate brain performance to give the command formation of hormones that help the process of pregnancy can occur. So it could be said, does acupuncture this could be one of the ways that is done if indeed you have trouble having children.

Acupuncture For Husband

In principle remains the same, to have a child by using the techniques of acupuncture, body parts of men are stabbed with a needle of acupuncture to help enhance brain performance in delivering orders formation of hormones which increase the formation of sperm cells that are healthy and strong. Acupuncture therapy in men could also unleash a blood circulation in the genital area of men so that will help improve the quality of the relationship.

Having A Child By Using The Techniques Of Acupuncture

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Basically, acupuncture can be applied in patients ages. There is no age limit for using treatment with acupuncture. It's just that, to note some of the conditions that may be whether someone through the process of acupuncture treatments.

People who suffer from the disease of sugar is not recommended doing acupuncture treatments because it was feared the former stabbing needles can not dry out.

However if you are sure won't happen things complications of acupuncture therapy, you can still do it. With notes, an akupunturis will ask you to fill out some paper and stuffing were also in agreement that a person with a certain disease is recommended for does not do acupuncture treatment yet still choose to try acupuncture treatments should bear all the risks themselves are likely to occur, and the akupunturis were released from all charges.

Get to know More about whether Acupuncture is limited by Age

To perform acupuncture treatments, there are no restrictions on age. However, the practice of acupuncture to the toddler has not been as much in adults. Especially on a new baby a couple of months, the development of rudimentary network of all.

Likewise, children who will probably see a lot of needle fear rapid thrusting into her body parts. Kids can do acupuncture treatment if the child's condition was indeed born and ready. There are children who did not fear and could actually feel the use of the treatments, but there are also or even mostly feel fear when entering the room to practice only. Could try other techniques namely akupressure remains committed on the same points but with the method of emphasis.

Acupuncture on human ageing can be done, even to the very nice as well to help boost the metabolism in the body. On the metabolic condition of the aged is not as before, that tends to be slower due to the declining performance of the organs in the body. Acupuncture treatments will help directly increased the metabolic functions in parts as needed. Recommend this treatment on your parents or your acquaintances who wanted to improve his fitness and get better enjoy life. Reduce the consumption of drugs and choose acupuncture as one way of traditional medicine with modern comfort.

Whether Acupuncture is limited by Age?

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Sex is an important part of the relations in the household. With routine sex intercourse, would be a more harmonious relationship between you and your partner. Therefore, if the presence of a perceived interference in the associated sex with your partner, find a way out as soon as possible because of the possibility it could affect your relationship with your spouse. One of them is by doing acupuncture therapy!

Acupuncture can indeed be applied in nearly all kinds of health problems in the body, one of which was the disruption of sex relations. This interference may be experienced by men, it can also by women. Acupuncture therapy for sex does not mean to do the stabbing with a needle-needle acupuncture on genital area. The stabbing was done in other areas that precisely titiknya directly beneficial to improve the performance of the functions of your sex.

This therapy can also be done to improve the quality of relationships and sex, support to ease the descent. For some, it may have a lineage isn't as easy as other couples, therefore one could try is acupuncture therapy to improve sperm quality, strengthen uterus and overcome other disturbances that may be discovered by doctors.

Acupuncture Therapy For Sex Offenders Could Be For Women And Men

If most guys can relate to sex-obsessed is durable, then for women the problem is experienced differently. Women are often hard to get a feel for an orgasm, because it's more on the mind and the most important is preparing for more live up to the time of sex relations.

The points that will be done in the stabbings was nerve cells to increase the feeling of comfort and quiet. With regular perform acupuncture therapy, either alone or together with your partner, over time it will feel an increase in the quality of the relationship with your spouse sex. Remember that sex is not just the relationship of impingement napsu, but sex is the inner binding between a husband and wife so created more harmonious relationships and the body to be healthy.

Acupuncture Therapy For Sex Offenders

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At the moment we are using the techniques of acupuncture in diet, we must understand the consequences of acupuncture in slimming body. As a result of which of course can be good and bad. But before we discuss the consequences or effects of acupuncture, it would be better to slightly comprehend what is acupuncture and how it works in reducing weight.

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical technique that has begun worldwide in the last few years. In the practice of acupuncture, the akunpunturis — people who are experts of acupuncture — using a needle with a size of ultra thin and flexible. The rapid thrusting needles on the body in certain parts. The function of these needles is to open the flow of energy in the body are covered. The closure of this energy that makes the body out of balance which then result in impaired health.

When the dots are clogged open energy will flow back smoothly and allows the body to improve balance and health. Acupuncture in its development it was also used to control body functions such as controlling stress, hormone, to appetite. The last point is often erroneously understood by most people.

How Acupuncture Works

Erroneous assumption rests on the idea that acupuncture would directly reduce weight. Isn't it sounds a bit absurd? Acupuncture works to open up the energy points are clogged, not burn calories which is a great way to streamline the body. Then how acupuncture can make slim body? Of course not directly. As written above, the acupuncturist is able to control the appetite and control stress.

Does a akupunturis is to control your appetite through the most rapid thrusting the needle in the ear, where there were many nervous appetite. Your appetite is suppressed will provide opportunities for patients to reduce food intake. While the intake is reduced, acupuncture works to reduce stress and help the patient to adapt to the new diet. Then what consequences arising from acupuncture in slimming body?

Due to the good and bad

With the workings of acupuncture, we can conclude that the good result was brought about a decreased appetite. Calorie burning to a patient having to keep doing sports regularly. While the bad consequences that may occur is when the patient is not ready with a needle acupuncture so painful as stabbing, or less experienced akupunturis so that the results obtained are less maximum. Consequences arising from acupuncture in Jan. of course can be controlled if the basic understanding of acupuncture itself is well understood.

Consequences Arising From Acupuncture In Slimming Body

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Age is just a number and look young is the behavior ...

Although the age we grow but we can look like a young child. Here are a few tips to look ageless:

Foods that must be observed to look younger naturally are:

To Look Ageless
To Look Ageless
Avocados – this is one of the best anti aging foods. The fruit is rich in vitamin E which is important maintaining skin health. Inflammation is a factor in aging and disease related.

Wine – red wine has a strong effect is resveratrol anti aging.
Watermelon – this fruit has an anti-inflammatory effect that relaxes blood vessels.

Spinach – this anti aging foods loaded with lutein which is an antioxidant that makes the skin healthier.

Garlic – heart protective effect it has in the body. This reduces the level of cholesterol and risk of heart disease.

Soybeans – anti aging foods may increase bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and heart disease.

Broccoli – these vegetables are a good source of sulforaphane that can prevent free radicals from out of the body from time to time. These chemicals enable the antioxidants the body and helps decrease the control cells.
Build and Maintain Muscle

Do regular massage-two-thirds of the weight of the human body consists of water. The water makes the muscles of humans as well as the skin supple and toned.

Eating healthy-eat a healthy diet and a balanced diet is also a sure way to stay young and healthy.

Relieve Stress

Recent studies have established a direct link between stress and aging. Increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol release results that cause the gene to constrict and bundle occurring aging process. We can slow down the aging process of some level of reduction of the inflammation by following some of the tips:

a) Avoid Sugar

Sugar is the # 1 pro-inflammatory foods and accelerate aging. Glikasi causes rapid aging throughout the body, including wrinkles and sagging skin, that damage our DNA.

b) water

Our bodies are 70% water, so it stands to reason that when the cells do not function optimally hydrated, it will slow down. That is why when we are not sufficiently hydrated we feel lethargic – cellular functions have been slowed down. When our cells slowed down, so did our metabolism so overweight. The water reduces inflammation and increases metabolism.

c) reduce stress

Telomeres are the caps at the ends of our chromosomes that protects our DNA. Every time our cells divide, the telomere us retracts, and it makes us more prone to ageing more quickly. Telomere us retracts faster with stress and sugar (see tip number one). This is why people who have experienced the stress of constantly tend to experience more rapid aging and ill health.

To Look Ageless

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Regular exercise is often hampered by the question of motivation. Keeping the motivation of sports is to be very important if you are a moody, private and was quickly bored.

As a result, has twice undergone a sports activity, you are already bored and wishes had evaporated. There are three ways to keep you motivated to exercise. Do the following when a lazy and tired to work out come.

1. new socks
Have a new colorful socks collection that you can use as the day of the exercise. For example, Monday using blue socks, red green, Wednesday Tuesday and so on. The colors have a psychological impact that could stir up your passion for exercise.

2. liquid soap range of scents
Have also a collection of liquid soap with a variety of aromas. Like strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, wine. After the completion of the sport you certainly can't wait to use it. The scent of the SOAP also make the body more relaxed after a workout.

3. paint the nails of sassy
Use also kuteks with the colors that you haven't used before. It will be very fun and adjust the color with the type of exercise you do. For example, when using jogging kuteks Brown in colour, when swimming use blue and so on. Welcome to sports!

3 unique ways opposed to a lazy Exerciser

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There are many factors that cause everyone's skin color is different. The following materials are the three secrets of nature are best for showing the facial skin clean and shining.

1. Lemon
The fruit of this one better known as busting a fishy odor, or a mixture of Food flavorings. But the truth is too much lime juice benefits for beauty and health. The water that comes from the flesh of the fruit is known to sanggupmembuat the pores shrink and eliminate excess fat on the kind of oily skin.
For bridges the pores of the skin, take the lemon flesh and then apply it on the skin of the face. Usually around the nose and cheeks that pore porinya looks great. To whiten and smooth skin, sweep away chunks of lemon skin on the face and other body parts.

2. Avocado
Allegedly avocado myriad benefits especially for beauty. Science has also been prove that the avocado is indeed rich in vitamins, minerals and natural oils. Avocados contain lots of vitamins A, C and E, iron, potassium, niacin, pantotenik acid and protein that is not usually found in fruit. All of these substances is useful for their beauty and skin health.

3. Vegetables
Several types of vegetables can also be used as a facial mask. The mask itself can be stressful and paves the skin. Wear the mask according to skin type and needs (e.g. oily, acne-prone, dry or containing bleach and others).

Potato masks: can be soften and whiten the skin.
Tomato mask: able to sublimate and paves of facial skin.

3 secrets of nature for the face skin

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Sex has many benefits, you may have heard of it. Whether it's reducing stress, or burn the calories. Turns out, sex has many other benefits related to skin health. Sexology expert Dr. Gloria g. said Bramer, sex doesn't just make you a youthful, but it also makes the skin becomes brighter and not stigmatized. So, next time you feel when your not in the mood for sex is being annoyed with husband, doing for the sake of the beauty of your skin!
benefits sex for beauty Skin
benefits sex for beauty Skin

Make your skin shiny
Bramer said, sex can improve the blood circulation, thereby helping pump oxygen to the skin and make it look brighter. Sex also helps dispose of toxins in the body and make your lips look fuller.

Control acne
As well as when You work out, make love also reduces Your hormone levels, and balance it. The result, according to Bramer, your skin becomes brighter, your hair was so much healthier.

Prevent skin becomes dry
Dry skin can be prevented by drinking plenty of water, at least 8 glasses a day. But it does mean having sex can replace your drinking intake. Sex also has a function similar to that of water, namely the hidration skin. Since sex repair blood circulation, blood will be transmitted to the whole body more efficiently. This provides the moisture the skin needs to stay healthy.

Expel the premature aging
Stuck in rush hour can make your appearance a few years older. With sex, You encourage collagen production, which will prevent spots on the face and the skin is decreased due to gravity. Collagen production is also going to set you free from wrinkles. It might even be no face masks whatever brand that works as effective as does sex on your skin.

4 the benefits of sex for your beauty Skin

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Monday, October 15, 2012

In the last five years of this I often see women smoking in public areas such as the Mall, the City Park dsbnya, which used to be very rare except in the cafe, pubs and restaurants.
Now apparently already very widespread and it was no longer a sense of awkward on them, a social problem? Dunno ....;-)

Smoking and women
Smoking and women
I try to glance at the numbers and statistics from the WHO Report States that the number of smokers increased 1.3% per year in developing countries, while developed country this number decreased about 0.7% per year. Research in Jakarta showed 40.3% males and 9.8% female with ages over 13 years old are smokers.

Smoking and women? This has included all issues about gender, femininity, fetal health, breast cancer, uterine cancer, appearance, prestige, lifestyle, and also to the code of conduct. Tabunya female smoking is still a problem. Two important issues of women with smoking is starting with a health problem and ends with problems.

In health issues, a lot of news expose on various diseases caused by smoking habit.
Including coughs, lung cancer, cancer of the mouth, and so on. Smoking also raises the feeling of fear, trembling, wavering, Fitful, weaken the mind, reduce appetite, face and teeth, narrow your breathing, making humans lazy and weak, and others.

Every time we light a cigarette, then the heart rate increases, the heart's ability to carry oxygen is reduced,
HDL went down, and caused the activation of platelets (blood penggumpal cells). People often don't want to quit smoking because of the fear of fat because snacking as a substitute for smoking make weight gain.
However, they do not realize that the risk of heart disease due to smoking is equivalent to 100 pounds overweight.

Everyone who smokes, whether male or female, would they know the impact and dangers of smoking. But, why do people still maintain the bad habits? It was back again to each individual. Each individual has the choice and life is a choice. Women smokers are choosing to smoke as their lifestyle, with all the dangers and risks will be taken over by themselves.

Smoking and women

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It turns out that passive smokers are not just words to scare, but this is really true, as evidenced by the results of research in the United States that focus on researching this passive smokers (American Journal of Epidemiology)

The Dangers Of Passive Smoking
The Dangers Of Passive Smoking
For women who are pregnant, ungin it concluded that research results should be women who want to become pregnant, or are trying to become pregnant should be distanced himself from cigarette smoke. Although not smoking, but by inhaling cigarette smoke would make it difficult to conceive. And when you get pregnant, it will be easy to miscarry in the first days of her pregnancy.

Well ...What is alarming?? ... for the husband or wife or woman wants to get pregnant ... ... this please be considerate ...!

Smoking is indeed a known bad influence on health. But as the passive smoker, which often occurs in women who have husbands smokers, in addition to the effect is bad for his health, will also make it difficult to have children.

Research in China at 526 women who don't smoke but has a smoker's husband, more than 20 cigarettes a day, it shows 80% of whom had a miscarriage in the six weeks of her pregnancy compared with women who did not have spouses of smokers. Whereas when my husband smokes, but less than 20 sticks a day, still shows that there is an increased risk of miscarriages on his wife. Women from the husband of heavy smokers will also have difficulty getting pregnant.

The evidence further showed that cigarette smoking is dangerous to self and its surroundings, a lot of women who do not realize that they had suffered a miscarriage in the first weeks of her pregnancy and thought that the bleeding that occurs is the only regular menstruation. Miscarriage is thought to be caused by toxic effects of smoking that disrupt the balance of the hormones of pregnancy, and it is very likely from cigarette smoke your own husbands ...!?!

The Dangers Of Passive Smoking

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